The Liberal View Under Question

Glenn Beck says we are in a socialist revolution. I say the revolution is a death struggle, the aim of which is to keep the individual from reaching his full potential. Here’s my case.

Liberals believe rights are determined in light of today’s needs, as determined by liberals. Similarly, Muslims believe that rights are what Muslims say—both say, for the good of all. The same with liberals and Muslims, the end result justifies the means. The Old South’s economy relied on slavery. In the Old South, for the good of all, in light of the needs of the Old South, the Taney Court sanctioned white ownership of black Africans. It never has been self-evident that humans are created equal, or that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, but rather fully evident that might makes right. Socialism opposes individual independence. Socialism is the loser, and here’s why.

God-given rights are not involved when those in control say it is fair to take from the rich and give to the poor. It opens the door to myriad questions. The rich provide jobs. The economy does not trickle up, as socialists would have you believe; it trickles down. Government could not possibly know how to redistribute the nation’s resources in a fair and equitable way. Use your common sense! Trickle up, which is managed from Washington, is the reason for the current bad economy. It is not fair to allow politicians, by generously redistributing the nation’s resources, to decide who is more deserving.

It would be ideal if everyone were willing to share and share alike. That’s socialism for you, conceiving a desirable end and then forcing all the pieces to fit. Socialism is La La Land, a political shell game. The way to accomplish this utopian dream, we find, is through the carrot and stick approach, the way you train animals to jump through hoops. Who would think humans could be trained like animals? You’ve got it, losers listening to the intelligentsia. There is no such thing as objective reality. It is self-evident that we are all by nature subjective. Call it whatever you want, it is survival of the fittest. It is my reality, your reality that works. Whatever, it is self-evident that you have the right to be you and I have the right to be me. To think that government can know what is best for the individual has been proven over and over to be a hair brained notion. The socialist indoctrinated are people who fear they can’t make it on their own, people who want cradle to grave security. We are here with increasing purpose. We are not moving in socialism’s direction. Energy is building in the opposite direction and due to overcome the resistance. You are going to be on your own, left standing when the music stops.

Beck informs us that we are in a revolution. He is only half right. The revolution is really over free enterprise. Socialism is in a desperate struggle to survive. Look no further than the whacked out people pushing socialism. Look no further that socialist California and their nutcake politicians, just fine with a tax raise for the rich. The rich are leaving the state in droves. California is bankrupt.

With the world’s economy going up in smoke, the Mayan calendar says the end of our world comes on December 21, 2012, coincidentally, at the end of Obama’s term of office, probably with a stock market crash and a change in the world’s currency; your greenbacks will not be worth a “continental damn.”

What a coincidence! When Obama was elected in November 2008, Saturn and Pluto, astrologically, were in their worst angular alignments, a square. They say it is always darkest before the dawn.

We Americans are more self-indulgent, more decadent, in denial, more naïve and insecure. With insecurity on the rise in America, looking for government to take care of matters extremely strong, the determination to have one’s way and call the shots with no compromise in evidence in Congress, cooperation completely impossible, what is the answer?

Aquarius rising is avant-garde. Uranus is the ruling planet. Uranus had transited to a position opposing itself when I was born, in my forties, according to numerology, I could be under pressure to change. My business enterprise failed and my wife divorced me. Before my change, I was angry with government and the American people. I wasn’t going to take it anymore. I had my rights. I studied the Constitution and imagined that voices of the past were speaking to me, encouraging me. I sublimated my anger. I had a bigger than life calling. A change for the better took place.

Glenn Beck, a recovering alcoholic, says he looked to the church for help. Beck also looked to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers, and found help. Rather than the church, I looked to the latest scientific discoveries and found help. I don’t see the universe the way I was taught in church. I exist in a state of consciousness. Without consciousness, nothing could exist, for nothing exists without order. Therefore, with consciousness—I’m a bit of the universe—with God. First the kingdom of God, said Jesus. The quantum mind, revealing the meaning of life, says quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker, “the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation . . . the observer interacts with matter,” a more complete explanation of what is self-evident than the Constitution and church offer.

The latest science and astrology connect. Astrologer Jeanne Avery says that Aquarius rising (my rising sign) is the forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way.” Instead of looking to recognized authorities to give us answers, as do Pisceans, looking only at external factors, as we move into the Age of Aquarius we begin to look within for answers.

Astrologer Avery points out that the United States, the same as I, was born with the planet Uranus on the ascendant. “Freedom of speech and opportunity was the cornerstone of the Constitution.” With the Age of Pisces fading into past, the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood and fraternity upon us, Beck needs to take notice of on earth as it is in heaven, what the stars say. Liberals are driving nails in their coffins.

Liberals in powerful positions, determined to prevent the truth from spoiling their conjured pie in the sky dream, are looking for a way of getting Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck removed. The very fact that they think they are the smartest humans on earth is going to be their downfall. We’re going to start over, not with their godless socialist empire, but the same way I did, with nothing much but determination. It took me 35 years to have it as good as it can be. Look within for your answers and your dreams will become your reality.

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