So your 60 now what?

Your medical care being reduced and your told its a tax cut,minority rules and your told its a "fairness issue , self defense is illegal and your told its a crime issue, illegal entry into the country and your told it's an immigration fairness issue, Foreign entities dictating US policy and your told its Global demands, religion is demonized and your told it's separation of Church and State, immoral unions and your told it's equality, rising cost of education due to Unions and non-documented students and your told it's a lack of tax dollars, Ambassadors abducted and assassinated and your told it was a reaction to a video.

I could go on for days but instead I just want to know who will stand and be held accountability not only in Government but your personal choices?

As I've turned 60 ,the United Sates I fought for and protested against is not the same United States that I live in today!

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