Saturday PM ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
~ Featuring ~
Did James Comey Base His July Press
Conference on a Document Forged by the Russians?
by streiff
 The Health Care Catch 22 
By Lewis Morris: The liar-nObamaCare health insurance exchanges are teetering on the brink of collapse as the Trump administration tries to decide whether and how to continue subsidy payments to insurance providers.
          You may remember how the House of Representatives brought a lawsuit against the liar-nObama administration over Barack liar-nObama's continued subsidy payouts to the insurance industry to stem rising premiums. The payouts were illegal, having not been authorized by Congress or allocated as part of the original liar-nObamaCare law. Of course, that didn't stop the former president from doing everything beyond his power to keep his signature law afloat.
          When Donald Trump came into office, he vowed to end the payouts. This was part of his larger plan to repeal liar-nObamaCare and replace it with a better health care law. That better law has yet to materialize, but the problem of the insurance payouts remains.
          Without the continued, and illegal, government largesse, health insurance companies are claiming that they will either have to leave the exchanges entirely or significantly jack up premiums for 2018. Either move will send the health insurance market into a tailspin. Whatever decision is made, American consumers will be left holding the bag.
          Clearly, then, the Trump administration is hard pressed to make a decision. Put taxpayers on the hook for continuing the subsidies and quietly endorse liar-nObama's actions and his failed law, or cancel the subsidies and watch premiums skyrocket even further. So far, Trump has done neither, opting to buy time by requesting that the federal courts hold off on their final judgment for another 90 days.
          This would leave the liar-nObamaCare marketplaces in limbo until August, allowing Democrats time to find a way to pin the law's ultimate failure on Republicans while insurance companies continue to extort the federal government.
          It's hard to find sympathy for the insurance companies in this matter. They claim a need for certainty on the payments to continue going forward in the exchanges in 2018, yet they didn't have certainty going into 2017. With the House lawsuit, liar-nObama's leaving office, and no guidance from either of his potential replacements on the campaign trail in 2016, there was no way for the insurance providers to know that they would continue to receive the payouts. Perhaps they were gambling that liar-Hillary Clinton would win the election and continue milking the American taxpayer like her predecessor. Worse, perhaps the insurance industry colluded to blackmail the incoming president into continuing the payments so they could maintain the status quo.
          This may seem like a chaotic situation, but it was predicted years ago. The Democrats, by design, created a law that would eventually force the government to completely take over health care and lead to a single-payer system. liar-nObamaCare was never going to insure everyone and keep premiums low at the same time; the insurance market just doesn't work that way. The only way everyone could be covered was if the market was blown up and the government stepped in and took over wholesale.
          Whatever the outcome, the Trump administration and the GOP Congress probably shouldn't count on this episode working out for them politically. Sure, nobody likes liar-nObamaCare, and it has failed continuously and completely to live up to its expectations. But Trump and the Republicans will be the ones who pay the price if it collapses on their watch.
          That isn't fair considering the law was passed without a single GOP vote, and given that Republicans have sought to repeal and replace it since it was passed. But Trump's other mounting political problems have drained his already meager political capital. His popularity is low. And the news media is in the tank for the Democrats, so they'll push whatever narrative Chuck clown-Schumer and Nancy Pulosi desire.
          If Trump continues the subsidies unilaterally, he will lose his populist edge with his supporters. If he turns off the spigot, he'll be blamed for rising premiums and hammered for leaving people dying in the streets without insurance. It's a catch-22. Well played, Democrats. Well played. ~The Patriot Post

Sheila Jackson Lee Out-Smarted and Out
Gunned By OMB Director Mulvaney
by Rick Wells
{} ~ Sheila Jackson Lee has only one tool in her race-baiting bully tool kit, a hammer, a black one engraved with “you are a privileged racist” with which she attempts to bludgeon her smarter, better informed and more nimble opponents... When engaging OMB Director Mick Mulvaney in the future, Lee might want to consider getting a larger hammer, or backing off on the unrelenting aggression and nastiness.  All she does is embarrass herself and the fools in Houston who keep electing her. She questions Mulvaney about in 2018 budget hearings regarding comments he made saying taxpayers shouldn’t take care of people who sit home, eat poorly and get diabetes, twisting his words into a question as to whether or not he supports a health care plan that differentiates between the deserving ill and the undeserving ill in deciding “who can get federal support and how much.” That’s a great idea, Lee, if he isn’t suggesting it he certainly should be. She asks if that’s why Mulvaney has “the audacity to cut $880 billion dollars out...
Trump's Budget Seeks Big Cuts to UN Funding
by Alex Newman
{} ~ The dictator-dominated United Nations is in a panic, claiming that it will be “impossible” for it to continue its allegedly “essential work” under budget cuts outlined in President Donald Trump's proposed budget for next year... While the proposed cuts to U.S. taxpayer funding of the UN are not quite the 50 percent rollbacks previously discussed by the administration, the decreased budget could nevertheless play a significant role in reining in the out-of-control UN. All funding for UN “global warming” schemes, for instance, would be slashed. However, globalists in Congress and the establishment media are already howling, ensuring a battle awaits ahead as the UN meddles more and more in U.S. affairs...
Trump, A ‘Russian Stooge,’
Will Maintain Sanctions On Russia
by Will Racke
{} ~ In a move that undermines claims that he is controlled by the Kremlin, President Donald Trump will keep in place sanctions that the liar-nObama administration imposed against Russia... as punishment for Moscow’s alleged interference in the U.S. presidential election. The Trump administration is currently conducting a full review its Russia policy, but the president will continue the sanctions, top White House economic advisor Gary Cohn said Friday. The U.S. enacted the measures a month before Trump took office, and administration critics have fretted he would lift the sanctions in an effort to draw Washington closer to Russian President Vladimir Putin...
Japan, Poland, Hungary – Where Attacks
On “Infidels” Just Don’t Happen
by Rick Wells
{} ~ Japan is unique in the modern world in many ways, one of them is the fact that they are not facing a terrorism problem, and they don’t have a situation where their culture and national identity is deliberately being diluted... by an unwanted invasion of so-called Middle East refugees. They simply have a permanent ban on refugees from Muslim nations. There are no demonstrations at airports, no anti-Japan Democrats marching in their streets. They simply do what they feel is best for their nation. As noted in WND, Japan, Poland, Slovenia and Hungary all ban the entry of Muslims and are also terrorism-free. It’s not Islamophobia, bigotry or any other made up subjective pretext. They are simply facts. By contrast, those nations which freely allow their entry are facing epidemics of lawless attacks against their largely peaceful native populations...
It Is Time To Put The ‘Limited’ Back In Limited
Government – Abolishing The EPA
Is A Good Place To Start
by Michael Snyder
{} ~ The constitutional republic that our founders intended to create has become a monster, and it is time to tame that monster and restore the federal government to its proper size and scope... The left loves big government, because it allows them to impose their progressive vision of how the world should work on all the rest of us. This is why so many control freaks are drawn to liberal politics like moths to a flame. Power and control are very addicting drugs, and those that crave these things on the left are never satisfied. That is one of the reasons why the federal government just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. If our constitutional republic is going to survive, we have got to start putting the “limited” back in limited government. Our forefathers tried to guarantee that the federal government would always be less powerful than the states by making the Tenth Amendment abundantly clear…
Did James Comey Base His July Press
Conference on a Document Forged by the Russians?
by streiff

{} ~ Over the past week, Trey Gowdy and Lindsey Graham have hinted that there was evidence showing active collusion between the liar-Clinton campaign and Loretta Lynch. This evidence supposedly was what gave James Comey the great idea of doing his July press conference on the liar-Clinton email scandal.
Given the impetus building to re-open the liar-Clinton investigation to look at the collusion with Justice, leakers have now turned to the Washington Post to shortstop that effort.
A secret document that officials say played a key role in then-FBI Director James B. Comey’s handling of the liar-Hillary Clinton email investigation has long been viewed within the FBI as unreliable and possibly a fake, according to people familiar with its contents.
In the midst of the 2016 presidential primary season, the FBI received what was described as a Russian intelligence document claiming a tacit understanding between the liar-Clinton campaign and the Justice Department over the inquiry into whether she intentionally revealed classified information through her use of a private email server.
The Russian document cited a supposed email describing how then-Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch had privately assured someone in the liar-Clinton campaign that the email investigation would not push too deeply into the matter. If true, the revelation of such an understanding would have undermined the integrity of the FBI’s investigation.
Current and former officials have said that Comey relied on the document in making his July decision to announce on his own, without Justice Department involvement, that the investigation was over. That public announcement — in which he criticized liar-Clinton and made extensive comments about the evidence — set in motion a chain of other FBI moves that Democrats now say helped Trump win the presidential election.
But according to the FBI’s own assessment, the document was bad intelligence — and according to people familiar with its contents, possibly even a fake sent to confuse the bureau. The Americans mentioned in the Russian document insist they do not know each other, do not speak to each other and never had any conversations remotely like the ones described in the document. Investigators have long doubted its veracity, and by August the FBI had concluded it was unreliable.
The only thing that differentiates this story from the “Trump dossier” is that the FBI didn’t offer to put the Russians on the payroll to produce more of this stuff like they did for the guy who concocted the “Trump dossier.”
This is the kicker. According to the article, Comey based decisions, like the July press conference, on this intelligence but at no time did the FBI actually question anyone about it. I’m not a professional law enforcement officer, and maybe I’m missing something, but if I were going to violate Department of Justice policy and trash decades of tradition (which is what happened at the July press conference) I would have put a little bit of effort into trying to validate it.
The Washington Post, ever eager to please, has asked the questions Comey refused to ask and they allege that many of the conversations alleged in the intelligence took place between people who don’t actually know one another. Those assertions may or may not be true because the people being questioned, like Debbie Wasserman Schultz, know the Post isn’t going to dig very hard to find bad stuff about Democrats.
None of this makes Comey or the FBI look terribly bright or honest. If Comey was afraid of collusion between the liar-Clinton campaign and Lynch, hiding that intelligence information from Congress and refusing to act upon it himself were the actions of a moral cretin. The best, THE BEST, inference you can draw from this is that he knew Lynch wouldn’t investigate, he was certain liar-Clinton was going to be his next boss, and he hid the intel as bargaining material to ensure he could keep his job in a liar-Clinton administration.
Without an investigation into the intelligence Comey relied upon, we can’t get a feel for its veracity. Either a real collusion or a Russian forgery are equally plausible. What is ironic is that the FBI seemingly fell for concocted derogatory information on both major candidates and relied upon that intelligence to make a decision. The irony of this is that if the Russians were trying to screw with our election, they correctly identified a credulous James Comey as the weak link and they exploited his flaws to the maximum extent possible.
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