Saturday PM ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
The Huge Stakes of Thursday's Confrontations
by Pat Buchanan  
Graham on Kavanaugh Hearings: If I Become
Chairman Next Year, ‘I’m Going to Remember This’
by Andrew Kugle
{} ~ Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) said if he becomes the next Senate Judiciary Committee chairman he will remember... how the confirmation process for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh played out. "If I am chairman next year, if we keep the majority and Senator Grassley (R., Iowa) moves over–and I hope he doesn't because I think he's done a great job–I'm going to remember this," Graham said. Graham gave an angry speech on Thursday aimed at Senate dummycrats-Democrats on the committee for their handling of Kavanaugh's confirmation process. He called their behavior during the confirmation process "the most unethical sham since I've been in politics." Kavanaugh has faced a series of sexual misconduct allegations that, according to the accusers, occurred decades ago. Ford told the Post that Kavanaugh, then a junior in high school, attacked her when they were at a party in Maryland in the early 1980s. A second allegation came from a woman named Deborah Ramirez who accused Kavanaugh of exposing himself at a dorm party during his freshmen year at Yale. Another allegation was brought forth from a woman named Julie Swetnick, who is represented by anti-Trump lawyer Michael Avenatti. Swetnick claimed Kavanaugh committed a series of "gang rapes" when he was in high school, but she offered no additional evidence or witnesses to support her allegations...
Pulosi: Kavanaugh Confirmation is
Not a Political Issue for dummycrats-Dems
by Jeffrey Cimmino
{} ~ House Minority Leader Nancy Pulosi said the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is not a "political issue" for dummycrats-Democrats... "It isn't for us a political issue. It isn't something that we fan the flame of. We just want them to have the investigation so the integrity of the court is upheld and the respect for the woman making the allegations is there, and that should be in every case," Pulosi told reporters at a press conference on Friday. "For us, it's so much bigger than politics or elections," Pulosi continued. "It's about America and who we are, and it's about women coming forward." She said dummycrats-Democrats want "integrity on the Supreme Court" and "a justice who will uphold the Constitution of the United States... Integrity, oh my goodness, she is lying through her teeth once again.
Cruz, Rubio Push School Security Funding Bill
by Stephen Gutowski
{} ~ Republican senator Ted Cruz (Tex.) introduced a bill cosponsored by Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) designed to harden schools against potential attackers on Friday... The legislation, named the School Security Enhancement Act, would ensure local schools are able to use federal Student Support and Academic Enrichment grants for school security projects. It would allow that federal grant money to be spent on hiring school safety officers, upgrading school security infrastructure, and upgrading school communications systems. It would apply to measures like installing bulletproof doors and windows, limiting access to school grounds, the use of metal detectors, and infrastructure to provide cover and concealment to students in the event of an attack. "I'm proud to join Senator Cruz in introducing the School Security Enhancement Act," Rubio said. "This legislation will give schools the option to improve security by using federal funds for measures such as hiring security officers, implementing technology and reinforcing safety equipment to respond to a potential crisis. I am steadfast in supporting measures that keep our schools safe and prevent tragedy." Cruz said the bill was an example of a real-world solution to a serious threat...
House Intel Committee Votes to Release Russia Probe Interviews
by Hanna Bogorowski 
{} ~ The House Intelligence Committee voted Friday to release dozens of transcripts of interviews from its investigation into Russia meddling... in the 2016 election. The committee conducted 73 interviews during its 15-month investigation, which has since concluded, and found no evidence of collusion  between President Donald Trump’s campaign and the Russian government. Most of those interviewed in the investigation are or were prominent figures in the Trump administration as well as former President Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s administration. A few high-profile interviewees from Trump’s circle included Jared Kushner, Hope Hicks, Donald Trump Jr., Roger Stone and Steve Bannon...
Kavanaugh Character Assassins Must Pay in November
by Daniel John Sobieski

{} ~ Absent any allegation that Judge Brett Kavanaugh was the serpent who gave Eve the apple in the Garden of Eden, Associate Justice Kavanaugh will soon haunt dummycrats-Democrats... like Justice Clarence Thomas before him, for decades to come, with or without an asterisk next to his name. Yet this is no time to celebrate, for already the mudslingers of the left are poring over President Trump's list of deplorable judicial nominees for things the next nominee can be falsely accused of as the spawn of Satan. From Dianne Fein-stein's withholding of Dr. Ford's conveniently leaked letter to lowlife-Kamala Harris's clumsily edited Kavanaugh tape, we have seen the shape of things to come for future Trump nominees. Senate dummycrats-Democrats will lie, manipulate, and just plain make things up for the sake of power over principle, and the only way to make sure they do not succeed in the future is to make sure in November that there are fewer Senate dummycrats-Democrats. The timing of President Trump's October 1 rally for GOP Tennessee Senate candidate Rep. Marsha Blackburn is coincidental but fortuitous, for the seat being vacated by Bob Corker, who has said yes to Kavanaugh, is one that must be held as others are gained to ensure that Kavanaugh's originalist view of the Constitution is restored as the dominant and permanent philosophy of the Supreme Court. Hopefully, voters, independent voters in particular, will have been sufficiently turned off by McCarthyite   dummycrats-Democrats embracing tabloid accusations with no dates, times, places, or corroborating witnesses to defame a judicial superstar with an unblemished record and life to ensure that the GOP keeps and expands its Senate majority. Hopefully, they will realize that next time, it could be their son, father, brother, uncle, or cousin who is targeted for slander and slime. Women should be heard, but they should not automatically be believed. Just ask the Duke lacrosse team...
The Huge Stakes of Thursday's Confrontations

by Pat Buchanan } ~ Thursday is shaping up to be the Trump presidency's "Gunfight at O.K. Corral."

That day, the fates of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and much else, may be decided.

The New York Times report that Rosenstein, sarcastically or seriously in May 2017, talked of wearing a wire into the Oval Office to entrap the president, suggests that his survival into the new year is improbable.

Whether Thursday is the day President Donald Trump drops the hammer is unknown.

But if he does, the recapture by Trump of a Justice Department he believes he lost as his term began may be at hand. Comparisons to President Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre may not be overdone.

The Times report that Rosenstein also talked of invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump suggests that Sen. Lindsey Graham had more than a small point on "Fox News Sunday": "There's a bureaucratic coup going on at the Department of Justice and the FBI, and somebody needs to look at it."

Indeed, they do. And it is inexplicable that a special prosecutor has not been named. For while the matter assigned to special counsel dirty cop-Robert Mueller, to investigate any Trump collusion with Russia in hacking the emails of the liar-Clinton campaign and dummycrats-DNC, is serious, a far graver matter has gotten far less attention.

To wit, did an anti-Trump cabal inside the Department of Justice and the FBI conspire to block Trump's election, and having failed, plot to bring down his presidency in a "deep state" coup d'etat?

Rosenstein's discussion of wearing a wire into the Oval Office lends credence to that charge, but there is much more to it.

The story begins with the hiring by the liar-Clinton campaign, though its law firm cutout, in June 2016, of the dirt-divers of Fusion GPS.

Fusion swiftly hired retired British spy and Trump hater Christopher Steele, who contacted his old sources in the Russian intel community for dirt to help sink a U.S. presidential candidate.

What his Russian friends provided was passed on by Steele to his paymaster at GPS, his contact in the Justice Department, No. 3 man Bruce Ohr, and to the FBI, which was also paying the British spy.

The FBI then used the dirt Steele unearthed, much of it false, to persuade a FISA court to issue a warrant to wiretap Trump aide Carter Page. The warrant was renewed three times, the last with the approval of Trump's own deputy attorney general, Rosenstein.

Regrettably, Trump, at the request of two allies -- the Brits almost surely one of them -- has put a hold on his recent decision to declassify all relevant documents inside the Justice Department and FBI.

Yet, as The Wall Street Journal wrote Monday, "As for the allies, sometimes U.S. democratic accountability has to take precedence over the potential embarrassment of British intelligence."

Thursday's meeting between Trump and Rosenstein will coincide with the Judiciary Committee's hearing into the charge by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford that, as a 15-year-old, she was sexually assaulted by 17-year-old Brett Kavanaugh, Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court.

This weekend brought fresh charges, from a Yale classmate of Kavanaugh, Deborah Ramirez, that at a drunken party in their freshman year, Kavanaugh exposed himself.

Kavanaugh has fired off a letter to Sens. Chuck Grassley and Dianne Fein-stein, chairman and ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, calling the accusations "smears, pure and simple."

Kavanaugh continued: "I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process. The coordinated effort to destroy my good name will not drive me out. The vile threats of violence against my family will not drive me out. The last-minute character assassination will not succeed."

What is at stake in Thursday's appearance by Kavanaugh and Ford is huge. A successful defense of his good name could mean Kavanaugh's swift elevation to the high court, a historic victory for the GOP's judicial philosophy, and the culmination of a decades-long campaign dating back to the Earl Warren era of the Supreme Court.

As for the judge himself, the issue is not just his behavior as a teenager and university student, but his credibility and honor as a man.

He has asked friends and allies to trust and believe him when he says that he is a victim of a character assassination steeped that is rooted in ideology and lies.

Thus far, no credible individual has come forward to corroborate the charges against him when he was at Georgetown Prep or at Yale. And almost all who knew him testify to his character.

We are often told that the moment we are in has historic significance and will be long remembered. Yet, how many can still recall what the "resister" in the Trump White House or Cabinet wrote in his or her anonymous op-ed in The New York Times?

How Kavanaugh conducts himself Thursday, however, and whether he is elevated to the court, could decide the fate of constitutional conservatism and the Republican Congress in 2018.
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