Clock Ticks Down on the American Experiment

Even though it somehow “didn’t rate a mention” in Time magazine’s 100 most important newsmakers of 2009, the fact is that the TEA (Taxed Enough Already and Taken Enough Abuse) Party is the single most important political dynamic in America today. The TEA Party has the ability to make or break America. The most important negative trends leading toward “breaking” the country are these:

1. There is no united TEA Party forwarding important goals and blocking destructive ones. For example some want to make the TEA Party a third party running in opposition to Republicans and Democrats which means that political funding must be pursued and the likelihood is that the TEA Party under those circumstances will divide conservative votes and ensure the continuation of Progressive dominance** of the Democratic Party and of the nation.

2. The incredibly important “Contract FROM America” has been virtually ignored. Rajjpuut firmly believes that next to the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, this is the most important document emphasizing human liberty ever written. Certainly it’s the most important such document in our turbulent times – and it’s being ignored by the TEA Party rather than made into PSA (public service announcements) educating the rest of America exactly what the TEA Party stands for. For example if you visit the link:

you'll find a pretty good slide show on the "Contract From America" but it's kind of sick when the best information in the most attractive form on the most important single TEA Party activity in its history has to be found on the Huffington Post, no? All TEA Party sites ought to have a TEA Party 13 slide presentation explaining how the contract came about and the 10 items in the contract starting with #1 "Protect the Constitution" fully explained.

3. Some effort by the ultra-right Republicans to “co-opt the TEA Party” for their own ultra-conservative SOCIAL programs emphasizing abortion; creationism; blurring of church and state separation and the paramountcy of Christianity which endangers the ability of all Conservatives (including Independents and Democrats) to agree on the VITAL matters mentioned below . . . .

On the other hand, thus far the TEA Party has demonstrated mostly a potential for greatly benefitting and perhaps saving the nation. The movement has reflected logic, NON-VIOLENCE and the traditional American grit and libertarianism associated with the FOUNDING FATHERS . . . and MUST continue to do so, if it is to continue to work as a constructive and salutatory force in the nation. The most vital truths right now are these for the United States of America, the country has . . . .

A. A Constitutional crisis that truly requires constitutional-conservatives to step up

B. A taxation, deficits, National Debt and government-spending crisis that truly requires fiscal-conservatives to step up

C. A jobs and overall economic crisis that truly requires fiscal-conservatives to step up

D. A philosophical crisis featuring a battle to the death with a socialist/marxist president intent on fundamentally transforming America into another Cuba . . . this battle requires fiscal-conservatives and constitutional conservatives to truly step up and to unite in common cause.

At present roughly 97% of Republican-conservatives ; 68% of conservative Independents and 52% of conservative Democrats agree that we are in crisis mode. That is a dominating force IF allowed to remain united. In the past this conservative force has never been fully united. Why?

In the past, the Right-wing of the Republican Party has insisted upon four things that irritate some Independent conservatives quite a bit and virtually all Democratic conservatives totally:

1. An absolute ban on abortions even where the life of the mother is in question; cases of rape or incest; or even when extremely young girls become pregnant. This is the single largest and most emotional issue. Unless CONSERVATIVES can agree to leave this issue a matter of personal faith (and abortion IS and has been the law of the land for almost 40 years now) they will continue to cancel each other's votes and make elections of Barack Obamas and other serious radicals from the progressive wing of the Democratic Party into a regular event.

2. Refusal to acknowledge complete separation of church and state. For example, saying it's all right and "normal" to teach Christmas carols in PUBLIC schools attended by Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, atheists, etc. (Obviously what's taught in private religious-oriented schools is a totally different matter.) Anyone who can't see that the founding fathers would be aghast at 1. the government being involved in educationa at all and 2. people insisting that something paid for by the government could fly in the face of separation of church and state needs to familiarize themselves with the Founding Fathers; the doctrine of full separation of church ande state; and with the positions of Independent and Democratic Conservatives on this all-important matter and ask themselves how deeply do they want Barack Obama to win in 2012; achieve 20 million new voting illegal aliens and finish off the American Republic?

3. Attempting to institute the teaching of creationism in PUBLIC school science classes in opposition to evolution. Same criticism by the Founding Fathers mentioned in the preceeding paragraph applies. Why is the government involved in funding schoools? Why do some people insist that items of the Christian faith should be pushed down the throats of people of other religions where the government is funding things? . . . and there is the other question, of why people can call everybody else's creation story a "myth" but insist that the Judeo-Christian creation story is 100% literally true even though often many of the same events show up?

4. A stance on individual differences that allows the Democratic Party to label with some accuracy the extreme-right as racist and the entire Republican Party as a regional (for the south) party and not a national party. Within reason, a "live-and-let-live" libertarianism is the only stance that makes sense. Clearly 85% of Americans, while they may accept gay unions are opposed to gay "marriage" and certainly to gays adopting children . . . the conservatives need to forget their differences (eliminate the negatives) and accentuate their positive agreements. 'tis the only hope for America.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** specifically, David Plouffe’s been brought back to control the national Democratic effort. Reading the leftist blogsites, clearly the Democratic plan is simple and they believe it will do surprisingly well this November:

1. Using their huge e-mail list, aim to “re-energize” and bring back at least 90% of the first time and other voters that elected Barack Obama in 2008.

2. Blame Bush for the nation’s ills.

3. Blame Republicans as the “Party of No” for obstructing the president’s policies which would have otherwise, they’ll say, already have cured the country’s problems.

4. Use what they call the “divisive TEA Party effect” to split the conservative vote and to make the opponents of Democrats run on policies that are well to the right of center which, they believe, will alienate the voters greatly.

Rajjpuut, personally, believes the Dems have badly misjudged the electorate’s emotions and except for the possibility of #3, IF the TEA Party chooses candidates rather than revealing their “Contract from America” via PSAs and serving their natural role as “king-makers” the progressive Dems and progressive Republicans are cruising for a bruising. So, clearly, the TEA Party needs to

1. Publicize its main document repeatedly

2. Avoid the ultra-right Republicans

3. Concentrate on fiscally and constitutionally conservative issues such as those in the “Contract FROM America.”

4. Stay independent, logical, Non-violent and simply honest and patriotic and allow the Progressives enough rope to hang themselves.

5. Also emphasize the Obama economic record, the Obama anti-Americanism and the Obama transformation toward socialism at every opportunity. Help conservative Republicans and conservative Independents and Conservative Democrats get elected by running essentially against Barack Obama.

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