Poverty drives crime but police can’t fight poverty

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights and our God given freedom and liberties.

Poverty and Crime.



Fellow Americans, it is time to seek justice for Americans, after a true investigation of the main causes of criminal acts, it was found that poverty in many cases is the root of criminal behavior; the desire to have what others have and the conclusion that their situation is due to oppression, discrimination and exploitation that result in the Breakdown of Marriage, Family, and the community, is the provocation of many people to do anything to get what they need.   

This system of government that preach equal opportunity, but that in reality promote economic inequality, economic slavery and poverty, are in complete denial of the true impact of their policies because in reality they believe that they are doing what is right and the best for the country.

The truth is that they are blind by greed and just like a true sycophant and sociopath they fail to see what they are doing to the majority of the people of this country, so the solution to crime is punishment and incarceration. Every city council because they are concern about crimes in their city, have given their police force the mandate and the equipment to fight crimes; now we have a militarized police force that see people as potential criminals and to meet the city mandate they have become the people’s enemy. Americans see police officers as enemies because they are well inform about the crimes the police force in this country commit against the people. The killings of Americans by police officers in our country have become an alarming concern to all Americans. Americans lost their constitutional rights and their protection under the law, because police officer become judge and executioners and killed Americans with impunity in violation of their constitutional rights and due process and the rule of law; cities has given the police officers a carte blanche to kill Americans with impunity; in most cases to appease the people they have an internal investigation that in fact is to protect the police officer that commit the crime.

We must see crime in the United States as a moral test for our nation and a challenge for the community and the police force. Fear of police crimes against the people is real; putting more people in prison and killing more people has not given Americans the security we seek. It is time for a new national dialogue on crime and corrections to this injustice system that is the result of poverty and unemployment ; justice for humanity is what all is about. We must eradicate poverty and create jobs for Americans, restore our families and the respect for law and life.

Our mission as Americans must be; protect and rebuild communities, confront crime without killings, and defend life without taking life, let’s place responsibility, rehabilitation, and restoration as our number one priority to deal with crime in America. We must recognize that the dignity of the human person applies to both victim and the offender; the killings by police officers do not truly reflect Christian values and will not really leave our communities safer. We are convinced that our tradition and our laws offer better alternatives that can hold offenders accountable and challenge them to change their lives; we must reach out and seek a better solution to crimes and stop the killings by police officers in our country.

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Sources for this article include:

US poverty the issue that our government fails to address


Poverty and Crime


List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States


Fatal police shootings in 2015 approaching 400 nationwide


Black Americans killed by police


Poverty drives crime but police can’t fight poverty


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