Ohio Govenor v. collecting bargaining

     Most of the same old names we elected in Ohio are trying to put it too the people who educate our children and protect us from harm. Our new Ohio goverments " wall street " way of thinking is really distressing. What is wrong with public employees keeping their " collective bargaining rights "?

      Elected officials aren't under it so lets put it to the professionals who fight our fires, keep our streets safe, and teachers that build a foundation of knowledge ensuring our childrens future. The last election and new Ohio administration put us back in the USSR.

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  • You've said it best! He already said he will be a one term wonder... As a former Republican Mayor, Commissioner and now serving on the Republican Central Committee we were all dooped into thinking he would be the next savior of this state. Now we find out he's the one hammering the nails in Ohioians hard working hands. Like Pilot he'll wash his hands of the whole episode. Estimates are it will only cost public employees (except police and fire ) $3300.00 to $4500.00 pay cut! How much of a cut will the people condemning us by passing Senate Bill 5 take?
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