We've all become acquainted with the legal definition of insanity...here it is in spades;


Penned by Anthony Martin, Conservative Examiner
Posted:  08/09/2011 12:20 PM

In a shocking display of violent rhetoric given that Leftists routinely plea for 'civil discourse' and decry the 'tone' of conservatives, Progressives are increasingly issuing death threats to Patriots who are dedicated to the primacy of the Constitution in U.S. law. One such propitious champion of 'kinder, gentler' dialogue called for the systematic roundup of what he calls 'Tea Baggers'--the derogatory term coined by Progressives to smear members of the Tea Party--in order to subject them to a year's worth of 're-education' at so-called 'green' internment camps.


For informational purposes, readers should recognize that the terms 'Leftist' and 'Progressive' are interchangeable. They refer to the same thing--those who wish to 'change' America into a totalitarian system where government dominates and regulates all of human life, and where the economic system of capitalism is junked in favor of a Marxist-Socialist model.


To those who have  followed the Left ever since the 1960s, such vitriol is no surprise. From Saul Alinksy to Cloward and Piven, from Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn to Ward Churchill and the Symbionese Liberation Army , Progressives have consistently called for the violent overthrow of the U.S. Constitution and the murder of persons they identify as the stalwart defenders of American freedom and capitalism.


It should never be forgotten that confirmed domestic terrorists, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, launched the political career of Barack Obama in their living room in Chicago in the 1990s.


Thus, the current bombast coming from Progressives is no surprise. The thing that raises eyebrows, however, is the vehement attempt to portray the Tea Party as a dangerous group that is responsible for everything from the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords to Standard and Poor's downgrade of America's credit rating--all while the Left continues its tendency toward violence, death threats, and its periodic calls for a roundup of those who disagree with its extremist views.


Here is a sample of such rhetoric from extremist enviornmentalist Derrick Jensen, via The Blaze , as reported in Sipsy Street Irregulars :

One of the activists, Derrick Jensen, allegedly even believes those who destroy the environment should be summarily executed: “If it were up to me, all the people associated with the Gulf oil spill, which is murdering the Gulf, would be executed. That would be part of the function of a state,” said Jensen.


In addition to Jensen, the two other environmentalists interviewed in the article – Lierre Keith, and Aric McBay — have spearheaded a fringe movement called the “Deep Green Resistance” (with a book of the same name) that calls for “direct attacks on infrastructure” and an annihilation of civilization as we know it.


According to the far-left triumvirate, humanity must devolve into living primitive, “indigenous” lifestyles. To this end, Keith targeted a litany of ills that must be stopped, declaring: “We need a culture that is self-consciously oppositional to things like corporate power, capitalism, industrialization and ultimately civilization, because that is the arrangement of power on this planet right now.”


Another Progressive, Jeffrey Wells, had this to say on his website, in his own words :

Many times I've riffed on a dark, delicious fantasy about rounding up Tea Bagger types and sentencing them to green re-educat... for minimum one-year terms. Not to punish per se but to expose these contemptible morons to facts, to truth, to the way things really are and how they're being played by the rich, and the fact that Boomers have taken almost everything and that diminished lifestyles and economic security are being bequeathed to Genx and GenY for decades to come, and that the best is definitely over. The infra-structure that once provided decent, fair-minded quality of life to middle-class people in this country isdisintegrating . The game is rigged. This is the fall of the Roman Empire.


All largely because of impediments to logical, intelligent governing put up by the knee-jerk, mule-like, corporate-kowtowing mentality of Tea-Bagger types and their 60 or so looney-tunes Congresspersons now in office. We've truly become a South American society of rightist oligarchs, angry lefties, disillusioned wage-earners, retirement-age fuddies and struggling, debt-smothered have-nots, and the rightist boobs will never understand that they're primarily the problem .


Wells has also called for violent, London-type riots in the streets of America.


Further, last evening on Twitter an intriguing exchange occurred between several Patriots and a team member of Fox News Radio's token Progressive, Alan Colmes. The team member had hinted that Progressives may wish to engage in violence in order to stop Tea Party activists from achieving their goals. Attempts to pin down the team member for clarification were largely unsuccessful, but the genie was already out of the bottle.


In pre-WWII Germany, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis engaged in a scheme to demonize and vilify various groups of persons, falsely projecting onto them all sorts of hideous and despicable motives and acts, so as to divert attention from those very same hideous and despicable motives and acts being carried out by Hitler's SS and storm troopers.


There is a most important lesson in that, to those who are smart enough to get it.


Be sure to catch Anthony Martin's blog at The Liberty Sphere.

Visit my ministry site at Martin Christian Ministries .





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