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“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”

Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of The United States (1858 - 1919)

For anyone reading these words, it is vitally important that you come to the realization of this most crucial fact of your life…A once great empire is about to fall, and its citizens have only themselves to blame!

Where America now stands she has stood many times before where the forces pitting its citizens against its moneyed elite have clashed in titanic battles that defined what that country was all about; either a Plutocracy giving all political control of the state over to an oligarchy of the wealthy, or a Republic giving supreme control over the government to its citizens.

The boundaries of this historic conflict to determine the future of the United States were defined by the Great American Revolutionary War hero and Third President, Thomas Jefferson, when he warned his fellow citizens:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the iss...

The Seventh President of the United States, Andrew Jackson, took up Jefferson’s fight and further warned his citizens:

“I am one of those who do not believe that a national debt is a nat...

And to the moneyed elite Plutocracy of his time Jackson further said:

“Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am co...

Theodore Roosevelt as the 26th President of the United States warned his citizens of the power of the Plutocracy they were dealing with by stating:

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible gover...

Roosevelt’s warning was echoed by the 28th President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, who told his citizens:

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided ...

Today these warnings go unheeded, with but a few even remembering them, so the American people of today are, indeed, “waking up homeless on the continent their father’s conquered” as Jefferson had told them would happen.

Equally, the American people of today have failed to heed the warnings of whom their nation is truly battling against preferring, instead, to remain completely unaware of the “invisible government” Roosevelt warned them about and that Wilson had stated was so “organized, interlocked, subtle, watchful, complete and pervasive” that no one even dares “speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” 

Because the American people have so utterly failed to protect their own nation they now find themselves ruled by a Plutocracy so pervasive that the President who rules over them serves only the “invisible government”.

The angry citizen movement opposed to his rule, called the Tea Party, is, also, ruled by this “invisible government” having been bought and paid for by some of the wealthiest elites among them.

This Plutocracy controls virtually all of news the American people are allowed to hear; a nation’s citizenry mind you that is held in so much contempt for wanting to be free that one of the Untied States major television network news anchors, named Katie Couric, openly calls them “this great unwashed middle of the country”, and has created the insanity of the most influential American news person being a comedian named John Stewart.

So thoroughly corrupt has this Plutocracy become that no less a figure than Nobel Prize winning American economist Joseph Stieglitz has called for the wholesale jailing of them all because of the wholesale destruction they have reaped upon United States and World’s economy, and that they show no signs of stopping until everyone is enslaved and indebted to them.

The American Plutocracy, however, protects its own as evidenced by too many examples to cite in one writing, but includes Angelo Mozilo, the former head of the US mortgage giant Countrywide who after his wholesale defrauding of the government of billions of dollars was allowed to pay a paltry $73 million fine and the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline who just today was allowed to pay a $750 million fine for selling tens of millions of Americans tainted drugs that to date has killed an estimated 15,000 of them. 

The American people of today have forgotten that barely two decades ago, in the 1980’s, that this Plutocracy robbed them of hundreds of billions in what is referred to as the Savings and Loan Crisis, but, which unlike today, saw over 1,000 members of America’s elite class being put behind the bars of the prison cells they so rightly deserved for such an outright theft of the American peoples hard earned savings.

With the Plutocracy now in total control, what happened to them after the Savings and Loan Crisis has been turned on its head as America’s elite bankers are set to receive record bonuses for 2010 topping the previous records they set in 2008 and 2009, all with the approval of the US government and to be paid for by the American taxpayer in what can only be likened to this elite class“flipping the bird” at their own citizens and, basically, telling them to go away.

All of the facts cited in this report are, of course, not being told to the American people whose so called liberal media continues tostamp out all expressions of freedom from reaching them, but are, in fact, known the rest of the world over…including in Europe where a literal “lynch mob” is warned is about to descend upon the United States largest bank for defrauding them of billions of dollars; in China where the communists, of all people, are warning that the United States printing of Dollars will destroy everything; in Germany where that government is accusing the US of Dollar manipulation; and most importantly with Transparency International who ranked the United States as one of them most corrupt regimes in the...

Now there comes a time in any report written on the subject of America’s pending collapse where the writer has to stop and think about just how much a mind can take when confronted with such a blatant and audacious plan to destroy a free people as the United States Plutocracy has in store for their citizens.…in this case that time is now.

By your reading this it shows, beyond all else, that you are one of the few who are looking for answers to what is truly happening and are searching for ways on how you can protect yourself and your family from the worst horrors to come…and you know they’re coming, don’t you?

The answer to how you can protect yourself and your family is simple…Information and Education…there are no two greater allies than these in times of troubles and that is why both of them are being destroyed on a daily basis right before your eyes.

Do you really believe that the German people of the early 1930’s wanted a Nazi regime ruled by Adolph Hitler to lead their nation into utter ruin? 

Do you really believe that the Russian people of the early 1920’s wanted to be ruled by the murderous Communists for nearly 80 years?

Do you really believe that the Chinese people of the late 1940’s wanted to ruled by a communist dictatorship responsible for killing nearly 100 million of them during its nearly half-century rule?

Do you really believe that the North Korean people of today want to be ruled by a maniac who cares nothing for them?

If you are an American and you believe any of these things you couldn’t be more wrong!  The bitter truth behind just these few examples of Plutocracies I’ve given are of regimes that gained power by the simple device of silencing all opposing views and destroying their nations past so that their citizens didn’t know any better than to accept their new masters who promised them safety and security.

Let me tell with you 100% historical certainty….put a country at war against an enemy of perceived great threat, throw millions of people out of their homes, throw millions of more out of their jobs, put the prices for the even the most basic of human needs out of reach for everyone, silence anyone trying to tell the truth about what is really happening…do all of this and I’ll show you a country more than ready to accept any tyrant available to rule over them as long as they “promise” the misery will end.

And where Hitler’s Germany, Mao’s China and Stalin’s Russia once were, American stands today…in the balance scales of history ready to collapse unless its citizens (That’s YOU) awaken and move to protect the most precious gift they were given by the blood and sacrifice of their forefathers…Their Own Freedom.

A man named Thomas Paine has been credited with being The Father of The American Revolution for his publishing of a pamphlet called Common Sense in 1776 that sold over 100,000 copies and ignited a “fire of freedom” in his countryman that couldn’t be extinguished against the Plutocracy of the British Empire. 

From that beginning the United States was born and arose over the next two centuries to become the Greatest Nation this World has ever known.

But, none of this would ever have happened if 100,000 American’s living under the yoke of tyrannical British rule had not bought Paine’s Common Sense pamphlet and said to him instead…

“You should give it to us free like the King does with his proclamations telling us what to do and what to believe.”    

They weren’t that stupid and realized that they ALL were in a war to the death against a vicious foe who sought to keep them enslaved and ignorant of the truths being told by others.

Today, whether you like it or not, you are in the exact same circumstance that your forefathers were…you will either support and fight for your freedom, or you will become a slave to cruel masters who will continue to enrich their own lives at the expense of your and your families.

Though the American Presidents Roosevelt and Wilson spoke with fear about the “invisible government” controlling your fate,WE MOST CERTAINLY DO NOT!


With each passing year your ability to know the truth about what is really happening is being insidiously taken from you.

To see this for yourself just go to our Main Page and read the headlines from nearly every country around the world, then look at your own media and ask yourself….Why Aren’t They Telling Me This?

We do tell you, and have for years with hundreds of reports designed to keep you informed…and if informed you are educated…and if educated you are unable to be lied to!”


Note: What follows is an article and/or blog post that states that the above website ( is a foolhardy website that has been publishing outlandish news reports under the authorship of Sorcha Faal, who allegedly perpetuates doom-and-gloom disinformation and a cultish deception that is downright sadistic.

The reason this article and/or blog post caught my eye is that it also revealed that the US Department of Homeland Security has openly acknowledged that it has used Sorcha Faal articles – ten of them in fact, more than any other real news outlet – in crafting the infamous report, Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling....  What’s wrong with this picture and who are we to believe?-You Decide:

‘Sorcha Faal’ disinformation on net neutrality: what does it mean, really?-Posted on Examiner-By Timothy Barello, Manhattan Headlines Examiner-On October 24, 2009:

Note: As a military Veteran, I’ve always prided myself as being intelligent, level headed and normally don’t listen to conspiracies, but after reading and digesting the information contained in the above articles and/or blog posts, along with conducting some of my own research as a means of educating myself on this disturbing issue, my gut tells me that something reeks. What are we to believe when our own supposedly fair and balanced Main Stream Media continues to deliberately and blatantly lie to us?-You Decide.

Disclaimer: Although I share numerous resources with you, as a means of supporting my concerns, it does not necessarily mean that I support and/or agree with the contents of all of them, word-by-word, but find them thought provoking because, they provide me with other views, which may be different from mine, on these and other issues and, thereby, help me make my case.

Note:  We, as God, family and country loving Americans, must remain vigilant and keep our eyes on the ball by continually educating ourselves on those issues that affect our freedoms and not be distracted by the relentless propaganda being fed to us on a daily basis as part of this President and his minion’s transformation strategy.

My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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