Awww…Canadian Muslim whiners upset by Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s silence about anti-Muslim backlash following Islamic terrorist attacks

Once again playing the ‘victim’ card, Muslim groups are bitching that Stephen Harper hasn’t spoken out against a spike in alleged anti-Muslim ‘hate crimes’ since separate attacks by Muslim terrorists left two Canadian soldiers dead on Canadian soil.

PM Stepehn Harper: "I have more important things to worry about than Muslim feelings"i

PM Stepehn Harper: “I have more important things to worry about than Muslim feelings”

CTV News  The prime minister has not publicly uttered one word of support for Canadian Muslims following the incidents, which Harper and the RCMP have labelled acts of terrorism.

He’s remained silent despite an apparent backlash against Muslims , including the defacing of a mosque in Cold Lake, Alta., racist slurs against Muslim candidates in Toronto’s municipal election and threats against the B.C. Muslim Association.


In the latest incident, windows were smashed early Friday morning at the Assunnah Muslims Association mosque in Ottawa.


Mosque president Mohammed Mostefa believes the vandalism was “probably” in response to last week’s incidents: the hit-and-run murder of a soldier in Quebec and the killing of an honour guard at the National War Memorial by a gunman who then stormed the Parliament buildings.

In both cases, the killers were Canadian Muslims with an admiration for extremist Islamic terrorists who’ve been on a brutal rampage in Iraq and Syria.

Canada shaken by latest shooting

Muslim groups have condemned the killings and the extremist beliefs which apparently motivated them. But they say their efforts to demonstrate that most Muslims do not share those beliefs and to show solidarity with non-Muslim Canadians need to be reinforced by political leaders, particularly the prime minister.

Muslim jihadist who attacked Parliament

Muslim jihadist who attacked Canadian Parliament

When political leaders denounce Muslim extremists but don’t come to the defence of”moderate” Muslims, Mostefa said young Muslims will think: “This is my country and you don’t come to my support to stand by my side.” And that sends “the wrong message.” (No, it sends the right message – this is NOT your country, you are just squatting here, collecting welfare and breeding future jihadists!)


Mostefa’s mosque issued a statement Friday urging all elected officials, from the prime minister to municipal councillors, to denounce acts of hate against Canadian Muslims. (When Muslims stop attacking Canadians, maybe they’ll say something)

Immediately following the 9-11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, Elghawaby noted that then-prime minister Jean Chretien visited a mosque “just to show Canadians that there’s no such thing as collective guilt.” (Thank goodness Stephen Harper isn’t him)

She said her group expects Harper, “as leader of our country, to speak up for the minorities that live here.” (He does, just not for muslims) “He has a responsibility to represent everyone and certainly Canadian Muslim communities are extremely worried about a backlash and I think that needs to be spoken to.” (Stop terrorizing people all over the world and there won’t be a backlash.  Be happy he doesn’t deport you)


Alia Hogben, executive director of the Canadian Council of Muslim Women, said it’s “very disheartening” that Harper has not bothered to speak out against the anti-Muslim backlash. But it’s not surprising to her. “I don’t think he much likes Muslims,” Hogben said. (DING DING DING! That girl gets the prize)

Canada is a multicultural country with over 1 million Muslims, most of whom are Canadian citizens whose religion is only part of their identity, she pointed out. “I think it’s absolutely vital that the head of the country, like the prime minister, would accept that and also somehow reinforce it and reassure people.”(Maybe he’s too busy reassuring the victims of Muslim violence that he will do everything he can to prevent future terrorist attacks)


“The prime minister has been clear that our full attention is on radicalized individuals, jihadis and anyone else who seeks to harm Canada or Canadians, including Canadian Muslims.”

Far left Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, on the other hand, has acknowledged the concerns of Canadian Muslims more than once since the shootout on Parliament Hill. (He’s practically converted to Islam himself)

Justin Trudea praying at mosque

Justin Trudea praying at mosque

In a televised statement that night, he directly addressed “our friends and fellow citizens in the Muslim community,” saying that ignorant Canadian dhimmis like me know acts of violence “committed in the name of Islam are an aberration of your faith.”

Justin Trudeau praying at mosque

Justin Trudeau praying at mosque

NDP Leader Tom Mulcair issued an open letter to the Muslim community several days after the Parliament Hill shootout, promising that New Democrats can be counted on to fight racism and “Islamophobia” and to stand up for Muslim rights. Mulcair also took to social media to denounce the vandalism at the Cold Lake mosque, issuing several tweets on the matter.


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