Moving On From O'Reilly

After watching O'Reilly "interview" The One, Obamalinsky, many should be questioning the continued viability of Fox News.  With a majority stakeholder of that network being a Muslim, and with AOL having purchased the Huffington Post for $315 million bucks and cedeing editorial content oversight to that nut-job, the pattern is pretty clear, if you have an eye to see, and an ear to hear.  While Fox News still remains the premier cable news outlet with the most objective, non-biased (ahemmm) content, the plan should be clear.  Take-over.  Control of the flow of information.  Internet "kill-switch".  A man that has been put into place to engineer the complete destruction of the Republic we've known for 235+  years, must have a clear path without the petty voices of the great unwashed to impede the process.  It's all very simple.

     The international handlers have figured this out  years ago.  Soros has engineered the near-destruction of at least FOUR national economies.  This, the United States, is THE PRIZE HE SEEKS.  He failed to destroy Bush43 in 2004, as he vowed to do.  He's getting even now.  But, as with all Cinderella stories, there's always a wicked witch, or an evil mother-figure, or another wrench that gets thrown in the gears.

     That would be Obamalinsky.  The man is not an idiot.  He is not an American, by any stretch of the imagination.  He was not, nor ever will be, eligible to hold the office he has been given by the internationalists, and the global unionist cabal.  He has been put into place because he resembles, in great measure, his mentor, George Soros, who funded Obamalinsky's "coming-out" political debut in the house of Bill Ayers, terrorist, and spent millions trying to influence the election of 2008.

     To get to the point, as stated, that Obamalinsky is not an idiot, he is also not a man that a majority of Americans will gravitate towards.  He is artificial, superficial, thin-skinned, and has absolutely no concept of the ideals and principles that made this nation great.  It would've been more effective if "Evil Dude" Soros could have found a true American Traitor that actually had an American narrative behind him, a tapestry of an American family to give him credence, authenticity.  Actually gone to school in this country, had a history of child-hood friends, just very basic things that most of us take for granted as a part of growing up in America.  Obamalinsky has NONE of that. 

     So "Evil Dude" Soros may have screwed up, in his egalitarian rage and pathological egotism.  This is where our hope really exists.  More and more people are seeing behind the curtain.  A tin-eared narcissist standing before the Chamber of Commerce and lecturing them on creating jobs he is solely responsible for destroying?  As if he's just discovered the elixer of prosperity and needs to tell us how it's to be done? 

     So I wasn't truthful at the beginning of this, I'll admit, after re-reading it.  I DIDN'T watch the interview.  I tried.  I turned it over, and had to turn the channel.  Again, and again and again.  I just couldn't stomach it.  That doesn't mean I can't stomach the fight to come.  It's just more ammunition.  I've seen enough excerpts of it to know all I need to know about that obfuscation of reality.  We knew what he was going to say before he even opened his mouth.

     That, my friends, is EXACTLY where we've got them.  WE KNOW where they are going to go.




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