Monday ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
 2016             The truth will set you free 
The Outrageous Attack on Conservative Christians
After the Orlando Massacre
by Michael Brown
 Democrats Stage a 'Sit-In' to Deny Civil Rights 
The Second Amendment is, in our estimation, the First Civil Right. In other words, the right of the people to keep and bear arms secures all other rights. So it's quite ironic to see people who stood for civil rights 50 years ago now taking a seat to protest against civil rights. That was the scene in Congress Wednesday as several House Democrats literally sat on the floor and demanded a vote to pass gun control measures. They propose to deny Second Amendment rights via trampling Fifth (and Sixth) Amendment Rights, and they claim the First Amendment as justification for the protest — all while singing the civil rights anthem "We Will Overcome." Republicans responded by calling a recess and shutting off C-SPAN cameras.
          The Leftmedia gleefully trumpeted the Democrats' "historic" moment, but we believe the word they're looking for is "histrionic."
          Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) staged sit-ins for civil rights in the 1960s. But he's completely blind to the irony of the present situation. Gun control began in the 1800s as a racist method of keeping guns out of the hands of blacks. You might even say those blacks were on government lists meant to deny their rights. Who else was on an FBI watch list? A gun-owning Martin Luther King Jr. Yet now a man who claims King's legacy, and declares on his website that he is "one of the most courageous persons the Civil Rights Movement ever produced," is using old methods to deny civil rights.
          By the way, did we mention that Lewis himself was once erroneously on a terror watch list? As Stephen Kruiser ponders, "Not only was he erroneously placed on the list, he couldn't get himself off of it quickly. At the time, Lewis had been in Congress for 27 years. If he couldn't get it cleared up quickly, what chance does an average citizen have?"
          Back in January, Barack nObama likewise had the gall to claim King's legacy — quoting the "fierce urgency of now" line — to pass gun control. Where was that "fierce urgency" when Democrats controlled the White House and all of Congress in 2009 and 2010? This is all exploitative politics for them, complete with immediate fundraising appeals based on the sit-in — because Democrats truly have no shame. 
-The Patriot Post
 State Department Disabled Its Security for 
 liar-Clinton's Email  In 2010, the State Department had a problem. Emails that Secretary of State liar-Hilly Clinton and her staff sent from her private email server were not getting through to the rest of the department operating on the official system. Trying to fix the problem, Ken LaVolpe, a senior technical official, informed State IT employees in December 2010, "This should trump all other activities." Finally, the tech wizards hit upon a solution: They disabled the software installed on the government's systems to prevent block phishing emails. Hackers and identity thieves use phishing emails to appear like they are from a trustworthy source to solicit sensitive information or place malware on someone's computer. No wonder it was also blocking liar-Clinton.
          But disabling the software left a door open for Russian and Chinese hackers to breach the State Department system. And get in they did. Last year news broke that State Department IT was struggling to eradicate Russian hackers in its email system, hackers that were able to infiltrate the White House's system as well. News at the time said the intrusion happened after liar-Clinton left. Perhaps State Department IT reinstalled the phishing blocking software by then. If not, it was yet another vulnerability thanks to liar-Clinton. Other vulnerabilities include liar-Clinton discussing the names of CIA operatives and details about the Special Access Program on her unsecured server.
          Meanwhile, in a deposition hearing Wednesday, liar-Clinton's own IT specialist Bryan Pagliano invoked the fifth over 125 times as he was questioned about liar-Clinton's email set up. Think the liar-Clinton machine has something to hide?   -The Patriot Post
 Trump Shows Just How Hard He'll Slam liar-Clinton  It was a pair of dueling speeches, really, attack and counter attack. On Tuesday, liar-Hilly Clinton feebly struck at Donald Trump's economic policies in an attempt to discredit the real estate mogul's past experience. The next day, Donald Trump made a speech designed to take on liar-Clinton's experience as secretary of state, her "best" résumé item for the presidency. "The liar-Hilly Clinton foreign policy has cost America thousands of lives and trillions of dollars — and unleashed ISIS across the world," said the presumed GOP nominee. "No secretary of state has been more wrong, more often and in more places than liar-Hilly Clinton. Her decisions spread death, destruction and terrorism everywhere she touched."
          As several commentators noted, this may very well be Trump's best strategy to unite the Republican Party after the divisive primary: Focus the firepower on liar-Clinton. Hot Air's Allahpundit writes, "If he had stuck to this message at his rallies and in his interviews over the last six weeks, there'd be no 'Dump Trump' contingent at the convention and his fundraising may well have taken off. Nothing unites the right, after all, like a forceful argument against the left."
          And there was plenty for Trump to slam — even without touching on the liar-Clintons' personal lives. "liar-Hilly Clinton has perfected the politics of personal profit and theft," Trump said. He even found fault in her campaign slogan: "Her campaign slogan is, 'I'm with her.' You know what my response to that is? I'm with you: the American people." By the time Trump is done with her, liar-Clinton's only accomplishment, if she's elected, will be that she's a woman. And as commentator David Limbaugh notes, what accomplishment is that for the Left, which thinks gender is subject to change?   -The Patriot Post



The First European Blood Libel: When All Jews in
Blois France Were Burnt Alive
by Jeff Dunetz
{} ~ Blois is a city in France, on the river Loire, not far from Orleans. It is not a large city its present population is about 25,000, but it has the “distinction” of being one of very few cities in France, or for that matter in all of Europe, where there has been no Jewish community for the past 800 years... Jews simply shunned that horrible place, where the Jewish community was so cruelly destroyed as a result of a false ritual murder accusation in 1171. Many have been the false accusations made by the enemies of the Jews as an excuse for killing and robbing them. But none was more wicked than the accusation that Jews require Christian blood for the Passover matzoth or for other bizarre, fictitious rituals. The first such accusation was made in Norwich, England, in 1144. It was repeated in several other British cities in later years. From there it spread to continental Europe, where the blood libel in Blois was the first of many to follow from time to time, down to the latest times (Beilis case in 1911), in practically all Christian lands. This vicious slander cost the lives of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of innocent Jewish men, women, and children. But the hatred it bred among the Christians towards the Jews was one of the main causes of Jewish suffering and persecution in Christian lands throughout the centuries...
What it’s like to be a Muslim in the CIA
by Yaya J. Fanusie
{} ~ It was the day after the 2009 Fort Hood shooting. I was working as a CIA analyst. I sat in a room with the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, along with several other analysts, as we discussed the attack... The mood was intense and somber. We focused on the killer, an Army psychiatrist and practicing Muslim named Nidal Malik Hasan, and how he had slipped through the cracks — how had he not been identified as an insider threat to our military? I was the only Muslim in the room — an observant Muslim convert who also is African American. Did I feel in any way awkward or conflicted as a practicing Muslim? No. My colleagues knew my character and allegiances. And I know my own. It pained me, though, to realize that more people, both Muslim and not, would now consider a Muslim working in US military, law enforcement, or intelligence to be at odds with Islam. Many Muslims see America’s national security focus on violent Islamist groups as evidence of an anti-Islam conspiracy. And many non-Muslims assume that religiously adherent Muslims must sympathize with the jihadist cause. As a practicing Muslim who worked inside the national security establishment, I found both of those perceptions invalid...
How England Just Saved Democracy
by Sean Gibbons
{} ~ A little more than 800 years ago, on a water-meadow alongside the River Thames, the signing of the Magna Carta enshrined the concept that an individual's rights will never be threatened by despots... Just like King James, the aberrant, porcine former P.M. David Cameron has realized England will not bow down to oppressors – be they on thrones or in the boardrooms of Goldman Sachs and Deutche bank. In a single voice, from the green cliffs of Swansea to the blue-collar factory towns of Merseyside, the British people have separated (some would say “Brexited”) from the failed experiment know as the European Union. Despite £250,000 donations from Citigroup and Morgan Stanley, despite £500,000 donations from American banks Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, the purchased and artificial "remain" campaign has failed to incite enough illusions of fear among the British. Lord Owen, the former Labour foreign secretary, said "The EU works in the interests of the elite - the one per cent - so it is entirely unsurprising to find that the campaign to keep us in the Union is financed by big banks like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan."...
Taking Away Constitutional Rights at the
Discretion of the Government
by Hans von Spakovsky and Cully Stimson
2nd Amendment Rights - Gun on Flag
{} ~ There is one major problem with that proposal: It is potentially unconstitutional since it would take away a constitutional right —- your Second Amendment right to bear arms... at the discretion of a government official in a secret, nontransparent process that has no adequate due process protections. Let’s be clear —- we don’t want terrorists buying guns in this country. Nor do we think that they have a Second Amendment right to do so. But this blunt instrument is not the right solution. The Terrorism Screening Database is the official name for the “Terrorist Watchlist” maintained by the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center. This database is the U.S.’s central repository of foreign and domestic known and suspected terrorists. How individuals get onto this list is classified, as is the process for individuals getting from that list onto the no-fly list maintained by TSA...
Army of Armed Bureaucrats Now Outnumber U.S. Marines
 by Piper McGowan
{} ~ The fact that armed IRS agents, along with those of other departments and agencies, now outnumber the ranks of Marines would be absurd if it weren’t so dangerous... The founding fathers complained of the abuses under King George III, writing in the Declaration of Independence: “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.” Despite hard-fought attempts to keep these forces at bay, it seems we are back to that point – and perhaps well beyond. Today, the IRS represents just one cadre of what has become a bureaucratic army. The age of independence and liberty is waning, and withering on the vine under burdensome taxes, regulations and what often seems like unlimited and unchecked government power, especially at the federal level. Something is clearly very wrong...
Prosecutors: Exaggerating Climate Risks Might be Fraud
by Alex Newman
{} ~ Oops! Rockefeller-funded “climate” alarmists caught conspiring with rogue officials to persecute their critics by abusing the legal system are almost certainly kicking themselves right now... Responding to what multiple legal experts have described as a potential “criminal conspiracy” among far-left prosecutors and global-warming theorists to target skeptics of their increasingly discredited theory, conservative-leaning state attorneys general have now fired back — big time. Basically, if the same legal logic used by the alarmist prosecutors were applied to climate alarmists, the warming theorists could find themselves in serious trouble. In a letter sent to their Democrat counterparts who have targeted pro-carbon tax oil giant Exxon and various non-profit organizations, the coalition of more than a dozen Republican attorneys general issued a powerful warning. If climate realists can be prosecuted for the supposed “fraud” of “minimizing” or denying the alleged threat posed by alleged man-made global warming, then climate alarmists can be prosecuted for the fraud of exaggerating the supposed threat. “If it is possible to minimize the risks of climate change, then the same goes for exaggeration,” the officials explained in the letter to the Democrat and alarmist prosecutors styling themselves “AGs United for Clean Power.” “If minimization is fraud, exaggeration is fraud.”...
Send Ground Forces to Destroy ISIS?
by Thomas R. McCabe
{} ~ There is no other way to destroy the Islamic State or ISIS as it is commonly known apart from the substantial commitment of ground forces... In the absence of viable alternatives to the Bashar al-Assad regime whose demise is the nObama administration's expressed objective, the weakness and incompetence of the Iraqi government, and Turkey's doubtful commitment, exclusive reliance on air attacks is an assured recipe for a strategic stalemate that will enable a degraded ISIS to consolidate its position and to inculcate its jihadist ethos into both the society it controls and widening international pools of cohorts. This will in turn make future ground intervention a far tougher and bloodier experience...
liar-Clinton failed to hand over key email
to State Department
{} ~ Former Secretary liar-Hilly Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message involving problems caused by her use of a private homebrew email server, the State Department confirmed Thursday... The disclosure makes it unclear what other work-related emails may have been deleted by the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. The email was included within messages exchanged Nov. 13, 2010, between liar-Clinton and one of her closest aides, Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin. At the time, emails sent from liar-Clinton's BlackBerry device and routed through her private server in the basement of her New York home were being blocked by the State Department's spam filter. A suggested remedy was for liar-Clinton to obtain a email account. "Let's get separate address or device but I don't want any risk of the personal being accessible," liar-Clinton responded to Abedin...
loose lips-Biden Attacks America In Ireland –
Not Rolling Over, It’s Trump’s Fault
by Rick Wells
joe biden
{} ~ There’s nothing quite so beneath the office of pretend ‘president’ as going outside of the United States and badmouthing America and Americans... It’s one of the many things that the current impostor in the White House is notorious for doing. It’s also a common practice of his hypocrite vice-president. We remember when loose lips-Biden made an apology trip to Mexico to offer his regrets and seeking forgiveness for Donald Trump speaking out against their invasion of our country. loose lips-Biden told the leader of an enemy nation that is engaged in the attempted conquest of America, “There has been a lot of damaging and incredibly inaccurate rhetoric and I would argue I feel almost obliged to apologize.”   He then proceeded to stutter around in a phony Leave It To Beaver-style “gee mister, president,” grovel. The message on Friday was a similar attack on the people’s choice and future president, Mr. Trump, although he did forgo the childish delivery and the apology. loose lips-Biden was in Ireland, where he bemoaned what he labeled the “un-American” response of “reactionary politicians and demagogues,” those who he claims blame “immigrants” for bad economic picture and social unrest...
Lou Dobbs – UK Revolt Also Coming To America,
Same Globalist Enemy
by Rick Wells
{} ~ Lou Dobbs has a few thoughts on the UK voting to pull out of the European Union. He called it “The Prologue, perhaps, to the presidential election here... The rise of Donald Trump and the UK’s departure from the European Union; two tectonic events that no one, not the pundits nor pollsters, certainly not the ruling and donor class, thought even possible, even saw coming a year ago.” He notes that now the Brits have made Britain great again. “What we’ve witnessed is a true populist revolt in the UK,” says Dobbs. “Despite the gross intrusion of ‘president’ nObama and liar-Hilly Clinton, who strongly urged the British to stay in the Union, nObama even meddling in the politics of the UK as he insisted while on British soil that they vote to remain and both liar-Clinton and nObama turned out to be on the wrong side of history.” With the Brits unplugging from the European Union,” Dobbs says, “the EU may be nearing an end itself. The globalists are losing. This referendum wasn’t simply about being part of a 28 member European federation. It was a referendum on national sovereignty, self-determination, individualism and resisting further centralization of power, statist ideology and government structure.”...
The Outrageous Attack on Conservative Christians
After the Orlando Massacre
by Michael Brown
{} ~ In the aftermath of the Orlando massacre, leftist voices are not only blaming conservative Christians for the tragedy, they are now calling on Christians to renounce their sacred beliefs and historic convictions, as if holding to a biblical definition of marriage leads to mass murder.

This is not only ridiculous and reprehensible. It is also logically absurd.

Consider these alternative scenarios.

Let’s say that for years, gay activists vilified conservative Christians in the ugliest ways, not only calling us bigots and hypocrites and equating us with Hitler, the Nazis, the Taliban, and ISIS, but also saying that we deserve to die, sending us death threats, posting death wishes on social media, and holding up posters at rallies with lines like, “Throw them to the lions!” For the record, this is not hypothetical. I can document every word of this in sickening detail.

Then, one Sunday morning, a radical Muslim of Iraqi descent barges into a church service and kills 49 worshipers, injuring 53 others before he is killed.

Are the gay activists to blame or is the radical Muslim to blame?

Obviously, the radical Muslim.

Are the gay activists complicit?

Of course not, despite their hatred and animosity.

What if conservative Christians turned to gay activists and said, “Can’t you see the damage your words have done? Can’t you see that your death threats helped produce this toxic, murderous environment? It’s time that you renounce your homosexuality!”

What would the reaction be from the gay community? One can only imagine.

Now let’s change the scenario a little.

This time, it’s outspoken atheists who have been vilifying conservative Christians, mocking their intelligence, belittling their God, scorning their Scriptures, and even claiming that is it child abuse for Christian parents to be able to teach the tenets of their faith to their own children. This, of course, has been happening for years as well.

After years of abusive atheistic comments, the radical Muslim barges into that Sunday church service and carries out his massacre.

Are the atheists to blame? Are they complicit in the attack? Do they bear some of the responsibility?

Of course not.

And could conservative Christians turn around and say to them, “Look at the damage you’ve done. It’s time you renounce your atheism and embrace Christianity”?

Obviously not.

Yet gay activists and their allies on the left are not only blaming Christians for the Orlando tragedy, they are telling us it’s time to change our beliefs. How utterly and completely absurd.

The fact is, my parallel scenarios were not even true parallels, since conservative Christians have not been engaging in hate speech against gays and lesbians. Note to the LGBT community: Just because you call something hateful doesn’t make it hateful.

We have not been calling for their murder God forbid!, and even the miniscule, fringe minority, of professing Christians who call for the death penalty for practicing homosexuals do not call for their murder. Note also that, as Christians, we oppose adultery, fornication, polygamy, and polyamory, but we don’t hate adulterers, fornicators, polygamists, or polyamorists, nor do we call for their death.

We have simply said that God designed men for women and women for men, that children deserve a mother and father, that homosexual practice is sinful, that a teenage boy shouldn’t be playing on the girls’ sports teams and sharing their locker rooms and shower stalls, and that a biological male is not a woman.

There is no hatred in these positions, no vilification of fellow-human beings, no calls for violence, no death threats or death wishes. Instead, there is a proclamation that all of us have sinned against God, that all of us are fallen and flawed to the very core of our beings, that all of us deserve death, and that, through Jesus, God wants to have mercy on all.

In a million years, no one could draw a logical or moral line between this message and the cold-blooded murder of gays and lesbians. Not in a million years.

What has happened is that Christians have pushed back against laws that we feel are unjust or unhelpful, especially laws that endanger our most fundamental national freedoms or that could potentially endanger our children.

In response, leftist activists have called us haters and bigots and worse. But that is simply their perception. I have documented this as well, demonstrating how gay websites have bashed Christian rallies and put ugly words on the mouths of the speakers, whereas in reality not a single speaker engaged in anything resembling hate speech.

So, we simply stand up for marriage and family and for freedoms of religion, conscience, and speech in response to a radical LGBT agenda to reshape our nation, and our opponents attack us in the most vile and even hysterical tone, equating us with ISIS and the like.

In other words, the so-called toxic environment which conservative Christians have allegedly created is largely the product of the interpretation put on our words by gay activists and their allies.

The toxicity is not coming from us, and we bear no more responsibility for the actions of a Muslim terrorist in Orlando than we bear for a Muslim terrorist in Falluja.

But there’s one more thing that needs to be addressed.

Followers of Jesus do not pick and choose what we believe. As Augustine once commented, “If you believe what you like in the gospels, and reject what you don't like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself.”

It’s not up to us to reinterpret a biblical truth because society doesn’t like it or because it’s considered out of fashion. It’s not up to us to tell the Creator what’s best for His creation or tell the Ruler of the universe how things on earth should go, nor is it our job to lecture the Judge of the world about justice.

And when it comes to homosexual practice, despite many attempts to rewrite the Bible, the verdict remains the same: 1) there is not a single positive reference to homosexual practice in the Bible; 2) every scriptural reference to homosexual practice is decidedly negative in the strongest of terms; 3) marriage is established as the lifelong union of one man and woman; 4) forgiveness and mercy are offered to all, homosexual and heterosexual alike.

Jonah Goldberg recently asked, “Why Can’t the Left Distinguish Conservative Christians from Islamic Terrorists?”

In my opinion, the answer is willful ignorance.

The leftists have embraced lies about conservative Christians for many years now and they are simply building on the foundation of those lies. Believers in Jesus and other conservatives better prepare well for the coming storm.
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