We are a Great Nation of Mediocrity! No intellectual substance rises above entertainment.  Barely, I can count on my twenty digits intellectual thinkers and doers. There seems immense distain for intellect, rather we esteem proficiency in running machines, texting fragmented messaging; finding amazing empty music tunes, and political buffoons; drug induced athletes; and model reality citcoms; rather than living one's own life reality, instead of living through someone else's. No thought process required except to imitate what we hear and see. 

We have become more tunnel-visioned with ear plug-ins, and iphones as the world is passed by of content, meaning  and understanding of anything, instead replaced by sound bytes, and vacuumous import.

The thinking brain is becoming; if not already vanished; instead we respond to positive and negative reinforcements not unlike the Skinner Box or Pavlov's salivating dog; reacting to feel good rewards; needing safe spaces for negative reinforcements.

We have become the robot we always hoped to create; the dumb one. The mechanical robot will most likely exhibit more intellect than we will ever have, because we refuse to think; it is too burdensome. 

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