Lets Kill Terrorist!

O.k. what I'm hearing is this 'terrorist' deserved to die and OBTW he was also a U.S. Citizen, so in the end his killing was justified, without Due-Process.

The last time a President ordered a killing of a U.S. Citizen was during the Civil War and that was done by President Lincoln.

Lets follow the logic:

X. it's o.k. to kill a terrorist who is a U.S. Citizen if he/she is on foreign soil doing terrorist acts.


X. it's o.k. to kill a terrorist who is a U.S. Citizen if he/she is doing terrorist acts.


X. it's o.k. to kill a terrorist who is a U.S. Citizen if he/she is planning terrorist acts.


X. it's o.k. to kill a terrorist who is a U.S. Citizen if he/she is a terrorist.


X. the government decides who is a terrorist.


OBTW - Tea Party = Terrorist

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    If our Government kills terrorists who are U.S. Citizens without 'Due Process' and the Government decides who is a terrorist, then isn't that called: Government sanctioned anarchy?

    Why? Because if 'we' are the Government and fit the 'ruling class's' definition of terrorist, then 'We The People' must be eliminated! (of course without Due Process) Hey, don't get me wrong, I want those 'Son of a Bitch Terrorist' dead, but the line have now been blurred. Who is a terrorist? Who is not?  I'm a member of the Tea Party and labeled by some on the left as a terrorist, should I do the 'American' thing and shoot myself? (LOL)

    NO! HELL NO! This once again is a sign Mr. Obama wants complete and absolute power which includes, but not limited to: defining who is a terrorist and then having the power to execute them without Due-Process!

  • O.k. what I'm hearing is this 'terrorist' deserved to die and OBTW he was also a U.S. Citizen, so in the end his killing was justified without 'Due-Process'

    The last time a President ordered a killing of a U.S. Citizen was during the Civil War and that was done by President Lincoln.

    Lets follow the logic:

    X. it's o.k. to kill a terrorist who is a U.S. Citizen if he/she is on foreign soil doing terrorist acts.


    X. it's o.k. to kill a terrorist who is a U.S. Citizen if he/she is doing terrorist acts.


    X. it's o.k. to kill a terrorist who is a U.S. Citizen if he/she is planning terrorist acts.


    X. it's o.k. to kill a terrorist who is a U.S. Citizen if he/she is a terrorist.


    X. the government decides who is a terrorist.


    OBTW - Tea Party = Terrorist

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