Kansas: Mayor, FBI attend opening of mega-mosque in Overland Park

( Muslims do not assimilate! They infiltrate! )


Several years ago, all that sat on this vast acreage of farmland was a small home. Then Muslims purchased the home and converted it into a mosque.


Now, across the street from a public library and an elementary school sits an enormous mega mosque.

Excerpted from Islamo-pandering puff piece on Islam and Muslims. Source: Cross Section Of Community Celebrates New Mosque In Overland Park | KCUR

Crowds streamed into the new classic masjid, Arabic for mosque, at the Islamic Center of Johnson County.

Overland Park Mayor Carl Gerlach did the official honor of cutting a ceremonial ribbon for the construction project, which was conceived a decade ago.

“It’s important to Overland Park because these are great friends,” Gerlach says. “They’ve worked well with the city, are great community builders, and it makes us a stronger community building this mosque here.”

Overland Park mayor shaking hands with imam (who posted videos of Muslim Brotherhood leader Yusuf Qaradawi)

Zafir Hawa, a local cardiologist and trustee of the Islamic Center, estimates Johnson County is home to about 5,000 Muslims.

Mary Baker of Olathe Bible Church says her church has had a long relationship with ICJC.

“I pray for God’s protection over this mosque,” Baker says. “I think it’s extremely important in this day and age to build bridges between communities, so we can learn how we share values in spite of differences between the two faiths.”

Several members of the FBI were present at Friday’s ceremony.

Officials with the mosque consulted with the FBI before construction of the new building about security measures. Both the exterior and interior perimeters are equipped with special lights and panoramic surveillance cameras.

Special Agent in Charge Darrin Jones says the FBI is engaging with many different communities.

What he meant to say was, “many different Muslim communities.”

Creeping Sharia exposed this mosque’s oath of allegiance to the Koran. Since we reported on it the mosque promptly wiped the statement from their website. We screen capped before they erased it. Mega mosque coming to Overland Park, Kansas


The Qur’an in its scope is the full and final divinely revealed constitution for mankind. It is also the textbook of the Muslim Iman (Faith) and the source book of Islamic laws, rules and regulations for the Muslims.

The Islamic Center of Johnson County, Inc., unequivocally affirms the Qur’an and the Sunnah as its eternal and ultimate constitution.

And despite there being no threat whatsoever, and because the Muslims have an Islamic adviser to the chief of police, Taxpayers pay for extra police patrols at Kansas mosque.

Per their own website, the mosque is open but they are using the neighboring library for parking. Did they run out of parking spaces already? Not plan enough? Were they permitted to open the mosque prior to completing construction of the parking lot?  With the mayor, local police and FBI in pocket, and a newly selected Muslim city councilman, who will even question them?

Creeping Sharia, FBI, Immigration, Kansas, Legal, Media, Mosque, News, Politics, Religion, Sharia, Stealth Jihad, Zoning Jihad

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5 thoughts on “Kansas: Mayor, FBI attend opening of mega-mosque in Overland Park

  1. sad sad sad. published to my public FB with my added comments:


    Of course the FBI will find nothing on “opening day:” although their avg IQ is only 75 (means half have IQ LESS than 75), they can hide bad stuff and lie to the FBI and governor. The brain dead liberal idiots we have in public office let these non assimilating taqiyya lying warriors in with welcome arms! HOW DARE THEY DESTROY MY COUNTRY LIKE THIS???? Which citizens of Overland Park will be the first beheaded? Which poor children will be raped and brutalized first? KEEP IT UP DUMB ASS LIBERALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. moe ham head

    dorothy we are not in kansas anymore

    • wellborn

      Looks like the wicked witch of the West really DOES EXIST–not to mention all the demons and devils from the PIT OF HELL that are coming out of the woodwork!!!!! I’m sooo sure the “good” citizens of Overland Park (like Mary Baker from the Bible Church) can’t wait to hear that screeching howling wailing racket blaring from the minarets FIVE TIMES A DAY!!!!! Hey Mary, did you stick your ass-end of in the air for the allah-god yet–YOU’RE PATHETIC, Mary!!!!! YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC!!!!!

  3. I the US the Arabs do not need to behead anyone they cut the throats of anyone who speaks against them not with a knife but with our very legal system. Yes they use the law to silence anyone. they are given aid by the liberals who think that in so doing they are in control; it will be a sad day when they wake up and find they ones holding the power ae those who have bought them heart and soul.

  4. Gail P

    As Christians are being killed and marginalized across the world (yes, in our America), the Islamic Caliphate is making inroads at an amazing pace, especially in this country. All you politically correct mush-head liberals, can’t you see what’s happening to your country? Or perhaps you prefer Sharia Law to our constitutional law and think that wearing hijabs and burkas is really cool, as well as female genital mutilation and wife beating, all in the name of the magnificent and beneficent Allah who tells you if you kill infidels you will go to heaven and have 72 virgins at your beck and call? Keep ignoring the obvious, and that’s just what America will be turned into, sooner rather than later.

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