This past year has shown that the  SEC does not give a hoot about the victims of massive fraud and the best interest of the small investor in addition to not doing their job to protect the small investor.  For example, why did they get rid of the UPTICK RULE?  If they are so concerned about fraud what was their reasoning? Were they told to get rid of it by the Administration who in turn was told to get rid of it by the extremely rich and powerful and the international bankers?  Are they like the troops in the field ....just following orders from up the chain of command of the extremely rich and powerful and politically connected?  Is it no wonder that people do not trust Wall St and Washington.  Do they think that we are all idiot sheep waiting for these scroundrels to sheer us?  If they don't get this economy back on track they along with Wall St and the politicans in Washington will be the ones to be sheered in the coming elections and the aftermath thereof.  Note the rise of the Tea Party, which may only be the beginning of things to come.  The people have been had and they are tired of it and they are not going to put up with the lies and deceit. I have always believed that the people would never rise up to complain or vote out those who are BSing us and to get rid of the deceivers until they were hit in their collective pocket books.  The defrauders have done that and I believe that they will reap the whirlwind in the next few years of elections unless they solve the housing, the energy, the war, and unemployment problems soon.
It is evident that the SEC are not utilizing their resources properly wherein they should be targeting the Bernie Maddoff's of this investment world.  My understanding is that there are a multitude of potential Bernie Maddoff's look alikes who have as yet to be caught.
It is also evident that the extremely rich, powerfully and politically connected are getting away with every kind of fraud possible and the victims are the small investor.  They seem always to be above the fray and it also seems that they are making the rules which are having terrible ramifications on the small investor and the middle class.  The middle class is being destroyed slowly but surely.  Good paying jobs are going overseas.
The socialists are winning and the freedom lovers are losing. What the socialists don't understand or realize as yet is that the very big money boys will stab them in the back in the end and discard them after they have utilized them for their own benefit.  History shows this again and again.  The One World advocates are financing and promoting socialism so that ultimately they can gain total control over the world via the One World government.  Why do these incredibly rich people fund the socialists and revolutions?  It is self evident!  People don't want to believe it and hope that it will go away but in the end they will be fleeced if they don't wake up soon.
I am not against the rich or anyone who makes an honest buck by their labor, brains, talent or just plain dumb luck but I am resentful of those incredibly rich people and their lackeys whose ultimate goal is to create a one world government in order to enslave the masses to do their bidding.  Those who would take away our freedom are our enemies and the enemy of progress.  Freedom enables progress and socialism stiffles it.
If you want to get a good taste of socialism as it happened during WWII read "The Red Horse" by Eugenio Corti.  It is available at Amazon.  It will help you to understand how they conducted themselves during those suffering years and how they treated others.  As the old saying goes a Leopard does not change it spots.



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