I HAVE HEARD REPORTS THAT RON PAUL SAYS THAT IF HE ISN'T THE MAN, HE WILL NOT SUPPORT ANY OF THE OTHER CANDIDATES ELECTION. What does he mean by that, is he willing to forfeit the white house to another 4 years of policies he claims to hate and which he has stated will be the destruction of constitutional law.  I find that difficult to believe, I had always considered him to be constitutanial american and would like to see him as attorney general if he is not chosen to represent the G O P in 2012.
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  • I understand. I think it is lost if we do not get a Reform Candidate. After seeing what has been going on for the past 20 years...this country is so hosed up already, I'm not sure recovery is possible, no matter who gets elected.

  • I remember
    Ross Perot well, he pursuaded me to register as in dependant so I could vote in the general electiob after 4 years of not voting because I was disgusted with political party's and I discovered that there werecertain people I wan ted to vote for. I have never voted a straight ticket in my life.  I sincerely believe that anybody is better than what we have now, if Daffy Duck were running I would vote for him. We must get rid of Obumer if we would have any chance for this country to survive. I also remember that Ross Perot attracted enough democratic votes to get a Republican elected but I don't believe that Ron Paul will attract any democrat votes which means that I am committed to vote for whomever the republican candidate is 

  • I hope he runs as a 3rd party candidate. There is enough anger with the whole government as well as both parties to run a winning race. Remember Ross Perot? There was no where near the anger level there is today and he got 20% of the popular vote.

  • Looser! Ha Ha Ha Ha.... We are the loosers.

    The guy has been right for 40 years! Look what the Ds and Rs have done to this country over the past 40!

    GOP's position? "Anybody but Obama and Ron Paul" And you expect him to support one of the bone headed republican candidates. You gotta be kidding.

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