In Earth as It Is in Heaven

4063267034?profile=originalMajor events in my life:

Starting on Good Friday 1975, I cut my umbilical cord with my past and went on my own to an unknown future.

On Christmas Eve 1975, I set sail on the South Atlantic Ocean on a sloop I named Bold Venture, and remained on my boat two years, experiencing miracles.

On May 18, 1980, on the first date with my future wife, on a hike near Mount Saint Helens, a natural sign of from calamity to renewal, Mount Saint Helens erupted. From then on, I’ve lived a charmed life.

In the Supreme Court’s October term of 1980, on Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, I, as petitioner, appeared opposing the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.

In May 2001, I decided to write my memoirs.

On March 15, 2008, my dream home came true.

I’m told by Createspace, my book publisher, that my book will be available in June, coincidentally, when the Supreme Court will give us its decision on Obamacare.

Justice Scalia likens reading Obamacare to cruel and unusual punishment. The Supreme Court is a circus.   If the Supreme Court had read and acted on my income tax case in 1980, there never would have been an Obamacare. There never would have been a national debt of sixteen trillion dollars. Obama never would have been more than a South Chicago community organizer. The Supreme Court has left the American people jumping through hoops. Can you think of a place in America where people are more stupid than in South Chicago? Look at the lead those people are getting. It’s pathetic.  America would have been prospering as never before. America would have been a beacon of hope for the world.  The Supreme Court dismissed my case without a word. The difference was that I was a voice in the wilderness. Presently, twenty-six states, and quite naturally, have a problem with Obamacare. Obama takes the cake for stupidity. The Solicitor General could not make a logical argument because Obamacare is the product of the three stooges: Obama, Pelosi, and Reed.  The same was true in my income tax case before the Court.  You can read it all in my book.  It was insanity.  This has been a repeat performance.  America is a day late and a dollar short.

The American people and government have been living in La La Land for two generations. I’m a personal witness. I’ve experienced the dumbest government acts anyone could possibly imagine. You can read all about it. The truth has finally caught up with the American people. We are not here for the pleasure of the powers that be. We each possess an immortal soul.  We are the highest form of life in the universe.  Over the years, various brainless authorities have dumbed us down. George Washington would turn over in his grave. We have no idea of the power that lies within us.  But why would we drastically change if our lives were tolerable?  I didn’t. I had to hit rock bottom, had to be forced to change.  My friends, we are heading for a very hard time.  Best you get prepared.

An eleven year court battle with the IRS, all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, came from my reading a book written by Law Professor Edward S. Corwin. From there, my mission to take on the government became crystal clear. What ensued from there where victories, followed by vexation, until, more than a decade later, I at last knew the power that lies within. All of my dreams have come true.  It can be the same with you.

This free-thinking eighty-six year old guide takes the reader from the ancient past to the cutting-edge of science, explaining centuries-old readings of the stars, as well as doctrines and dogmas of religions and quantum physics. The result is a thought-provoking testament of a non-Christian who is here to tell the world that Jesus is for everyone, no strings attached.

Look to Amazon in June for In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012: an explanation for the underlying mechanism of creation.






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  • I see that the author of "The Harbinger" is a distinguished rabbi.  The Jewish people are in imminent danger of once again losing their "Promised Land."  There is but one God. Science is proving it. Jesus answered the question.  "Seek ye first the kingdom of God."  The kingdom of God is internal. Heaven and earth are organic. Christians, too, need to learn the truth that Jesus preached. We are organic, with animal desire, but with eternal souls, each and every one of us possessing the highest form of consciousness. If we but knew the power that lies within us, all of our dreams would come true. This nobody from Nowheresville is living proof.

  • I'm looking forward to your publication, coming forth!  You have acquired some keen incite.  May I suggest that you acquire a copy of the book , 'The Harbinger' by Jonathan Cahn.  It just released on January 31, 2012.  I believe you will find that it confirm many things to you, and possibly enlighten you even more, if that's possible!

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