In 2008, an FBI investigation warned America that self-proclaimed ‘Muslim civil-rights’ group, CAIR, was actually part of the terrorist organization HAMAS


Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations)  functions as the ‘Special Operations Division’ (SOD) of the political department of HAMAS. Part of the CAIR SOD function is to attack with media propaganda any person or organization who analyzes or criticizes CAIR.

Longtime BNI readers will remember when CAIR got this website kicked off WordPress web hosting and one other web host about a year later. CAIR also just listed BNI as one of the leaders in the ‘inner core’ of the Islamophobia Network in America

For several years now, CAIR has been able to maintain its non-terrorist Islamic “hue,” that is, until they became the subject of our ground-breaking series, “Enemies of the State.” Stay tuned to this unique series as The United West sends its research investigators deeply into the federal files on CAIR and present factual conclusions that will disrupt, disable and destroy the operations of CAIR/HAMAS USA.

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