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  • Hey Abrams it's morons like you that voted on coolness instead of leadership qualities.  Now you realize you were a fool and want forgiveness.  You are an indecisive wussy fence sitter that stands for nothing.  When Obama was the "in" you were on that band wagon and now you realize that Obama should be the "out" thing so now you're on that bandwagon.  I love Herman Cain but I bet you never listened to his radio show and when he substitutes for Neal Boortz.  What's a matter Abrams did Chrissy Matthews and the rest of his liberal/socialist Anti-American media friends who are lower than pond scum lead you wrong and you feel foolish.  Obama won Florida by 2 %.  I volunteered for McCain and carried my area even though McCain is too left for me but he Ain't Obama or a liberal Democrat.  Thanks a lot ass wipe but maybe your guilt and the guilt of other ass wipes like you can help defeat Barck Hussein Obama. You deserved the slapping I gave you and now go get em against Obama.  Sincerely, Angelo Mule'
  • I hope that all of us have learned to research the person beforehand.
  • I didn't vote didn't matter cause he won NY by a land slide. I told everyone I know not to vote for him cause he couldn't explain his change. The jokes on us all now, we got change. Everyone said I was racist but I grew up with and had many black friends. My god mother is black, and baptist. But no one cared now Alex your behind Herman did you hear the whites targeted blacks with planned parenthood comment. Or did you only hear he's against abortion.

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