Four of the Top Five Negotiators in the world meeting today.( I #5 am absent) Not a liberal to be found this should be one of the greatest and most productive meetings with the good of the world as the topic. last time was Gorbachev Regan so many liberal fogged years ago. If left alone these four men could easily create what the world that humans live in what. World peace, stop hunger, resettle the Muslims in the desert. kill the terrorist.Free Europe from the Muslim curse. make Israel safe. Disarm Iran. and So. Korea. Lock up all the Clintons-Bushes -Obama -And his crew-Podesta- Soros-Marcel the God of France-and that little pain in the ass mayor in London.Close CNN and MSN put restrictions and severe penalties for all other news agencies caught spreading fake news.Crush the Federal Reserve and relieve them of any power. put a Trump Putin appointed leadership in charge of the UN and turn it into the world security helper like the red cross, not the skull and bones. Find Gadofees gold all 380 billion of it and give it back to the people of Libia. -find Saddam's Gold and give it back to the Iraqis. Find the 9-11 gold and all the billions stolen by the politicians in America freezing the accounts of the jailed group above should get most of it and give it back to America. Don;t forget to deduct the Money the Clintons stole from the Haitian people and give it back. And if possible give them back what children that can be found. For the above-jailed hold Military tribunals like with the Nazis and the swift punishments for crimes against humanity.Clear the Senate with term limitations. to clear out the Gop swamp. Give the Liberals a chance to start drinking unflourished water clear their heads look at their children and remember. they will be cleaning house of their Evil criminal swamp soon after replacing with real liberals. after two elections Balance as a republic should be. Think about it if the four leaders in this meeting all workaholics were left alone to come up with solutions for all the above they would and they could. what an amazing legacy that would leave for generations of our children and grandchildren. A dream but one that is right there for the taking. May God their conscience and their common sense thinking be their guide. USA USA USA . Please Share this one get all to read hope is there for the taking.


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  • Long grows the shadow of despair over America... cast by the left the socialist look to block the sun ... too, deny our heritage and the cause of liberty from our progeny. What evil has befallen this Great Nation... seeking to bring it down... this great experiment in self-government was started by men unafraid of the giants in the land... unafraid of the clouded skies threatening to bear down on their toil and wipe it away.

    No, the left shall not prevail... for there is more than flesh and blood in this fight... there are greater powers at work than those of darkness and defeat if we will but call on them in this time of need. We must dig deep into the recesses of our heritage, to revive the Spirit of Liberty... too, once more enshrine hard work, self-reliance, accountability, and the many other honest traits, of our forebears in the hearts and minds of the People... We must not forget where we have been, where we are going or lose sight of the path that takes us there.

    America has not lost her Greatness... it remains in the very soul of its People... the wind can not drive it away and the heat of the day only brings about an even greater commitment in its People to see this struggle for Greatness continue...that our Children and the World may not lose hope... and that Hope's guarantor may not perish in the fight for eternal liberty.... that government by the people, for the people, and of the people... may not perish from the land.

    Let the twisted metaphor of the Mainstream Media be exposed... Let, the naysaying pragmatist, leftist, socialist and the global cabal, know this:  America is not dead, she has awakened to the struggle, to view the great betrayal of those entrusted with her heritage. She is about to spew out the heritage of hate and division, sown in her soul by these wicked men and women... of our Great Nation... shall not perish at the hand of these despots.

    The faithful watchman has returned to his watch... he once more sits upon the cities walls, and in the homes of her heritage, a new light now shines, hope resides, and liberty once more has a champion.

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