Friday Med/AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
That Failure Known as the 'War on Poverty'
by Political Editors  
Friday Top Headlines
by Media Editors:  Michael Cohen admits Moscow Trump Tower talks occurred well into 2016 presidential campaign (Washington Examiner)
High-tension G20 opens, dominated by Trump quarrels (AFP)
Trump cancels plans to meet with Putin (The Hill)
U.S., Mexico, and Canada ink new trade agreement, but final ratification remains big hurdle (USA Today)
Ninety-one percent of Central American asylum seekers have bogus claims (Townhall)
One-third of migrants in caravan are being treated for health issues (Fox News)
Paul Ryan says immigration and federal debt are his biggest regrets (National Review)
The House speaker is right: California’s election laws are vulnerable to fraud (The Federalist)
CNN fires commentator Marc Lamont Hill after he called for eliminating Israel (Washington Examiner)
Report: Trump to issue order banning bump stocks (The Resurgent)
scumbag-James Comey files case against House Republicans to stop subpoena (The Washington Times)
Marriott says its Starwood database was hacked on approximately 500 million guests (Reuters)
Veterans charity’s ex-leader guilty of stealing $900,000 for personal expenses (Fox News)
Humor: Border Patrol, migrants locked in epic game of “Red Rover” (The Babylon Bee)
Policy: Three ways Washington can save a nickel for every dollar in 2020 (The Heritage Foundation)
Policy: Here’s what opponents of criminal justice reform get wrong (The Daily Signal)  
~The Patriot Post  
If Trump Doesn’t Run for Re-Election, ‘He Should 
Fire dirty cop-Mueller,’ ‘Pardon Everybody Involved’
qRNzN53w90l0uW3brUpa1Kg4RwC3CiSOPI14bBOiAiPzzAQOZd-KJWhAqMM0-etyufnW3bEyV66xGF_kZVOI40J9UqSVLoqWqh41T_yKZGtQzY1-YeEvaz7hFUviTSDWaZChCb-Kahxx8Hf8UGW1A1DKJar02sZ-UUgCgjr8HJC_ueEkcH3iL1x0BlbszjkFsL9FsZ4kdgssUzt3_EJJ9obQ_w74_w1rd7dmMQgRETORmuIIKsKF=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=by Emily Ward
{} ~ On his nationally syndicated radio show “The Mark Levin Show” on Wednesday night, host and American lawyer Mark Levin said... that if President Donald Trump decides not to run for re-election in 2020, he should fire special counsel dirty ccop-Robert Mueller and his team and “pardon everybody” who has been charged in the investigation. “If President Trump decides not to run for re-election, he should fire dirty ccop-Mueller, he should fire his whole team, he should pardon everybody involved with these Mickey Mouse charges of false statements, and tell the House, ‘Go ahead and impeach me,’ and Senate, ‘Go ahead and remove me,’ because this is simply unacceptable – simply unacceptable what’s happened to our country, what’s happening here,” Mark Levin said. Levin’s remarks came in the midst of dirty ccop-Mueller’s ongoing investigation into possible collusion between the president and Russia during his 2016 campaign. Trump has repeatedly called the investigation a “witch hunt.”...
After 4.5 Years of a Stalemated War, Ukraine
 Braces for a Full-On Russian Invasion
BN_H70mHpwRYWsShKAjc_5Z9MwSjjY4vIwhZRXXu8N7Xe2WRdLDiK2bKvuhuNnDYK0d1YcAgY4IyhVbk6ys0lwDZ7qjNMWxhbq0C0L0bxoSRI2_4hqld=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?width=450by Nolan Peterson
{} ~ Sunday’s Kerch Strait crisis underscored how quickly Russia’s simmering, 4.5-year-old, low-intensity war against Ukraine could escalate into a historic catastrophe... “Yesterday we were close to war. In fact, war happened,” Capt. Andrii Ryzhenko, the Ukrainian navy’s deputy chief of staff for Euro-Atlantic integration, told The Daily Signal on Monday. On Sunday, Russian ships fired on and captured three Ukrainian navy vessels approaching the Kerch Strait, a narrow waterway that connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Azov. The three Ukrainian vessels, two artillery boats and a tugboat, were in transit from Odesa to the Ukrainian port of Mariupol on the Sea of Azov. Russian forces reportedly took 24 Ukrainian crew members prisoner during the maritime confrontation. Russia has already tried some of the captured Ukrainians as criminals. Kyiv, however, says the crews should be designated as prisoners of war, subject to the Geneva Conventions. As of Wednesday, Ukraine’s armed forces remain on full alert. Martial law went into effect on Wednesday morning in 10 Ukrainian regions bordering Russian territory, as well as along the country’s Black Sea and Azov Sea coastlines. Ukrainian regions bordering the breakaway territory of Transnistria in Moldova, where Russia has stationed troops, are also under martial law...
Democrats’ Socialist Energy Policies Would
Bring Destruction and They Must Be Stopped
by H. Sterling Burnett 
{} ~ Many Democrats are becoming more open about their socialist inclinations, although they still lie about socialism’s ability... to make the world a better place. Socialism kills. From the former Soviet Union to Cuba, from North Korea to Venezuela, everywhere socialism was implemented, it robbed people of their freedom and property, produced economic stagnation and misallocation of resources and resulted in millions of deaths, caused either directly or indirectly. Despite this fact, in an interview in New York Magazine, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio pined for government control over everyone’s property –their homes, their businesses, everything, saying, “I think there’s a socialistic impulse … if I had my druthers, the city government would determine every single plot of land, how development would proceed.” Because that’s brought such happiness, prosperity, and better living conditions to the people of Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela. Then we come to the energy socialism being pushed by self-described socialist commie-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a newly elected Democratic Representative from New York, among others. Despite an annual salary topping $174,000, commie-Ocasio-Cortez complained with a straight face after being elected that it will be hard for her to find a place she can afford to rent in Washington, D.C. — a city, by the way, that almost perfectly satisfies de Blasio’s desire for all of the property in the city being owned by, its uses directed by, or sharply delimited by various levels of government. I’ve got a news flash for commie-Ocasio-Cortez: most people, even those in D.C., live on much less. Despite her struggle to find affordable housing on her taxpayer-funded lavish salary, commie-Ocasio-Cortez has the hubris to believe Congress and federal bureaucracies in D.C. have the wisdom to control and direct peoples energy choices across the nation... People in NY continue to vote for these socialist commies.
Trump Didn’t Create Europe’s Resentment
0ZhgxGXQse-jWQWeaK9e3QYutG4QVYzT_nNjtb_OTJoXGosv76NrFZCg5y5BG55C-EM3NJdVHHXbqeTs54PFaJQw9hNGmHOa8alWtJuNH5CvDQ-RG6wp13vZbIYp56nou7q6fWt85EWULP405CGFGFW9QZOqnpA0Sst235BU-3RcZuV2jRY5=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?width=450by Bruce Thornton
{} ~ Speaking in Paris at the centenary of the Armistice, French president Emmanuel Macron made some silly comments about nationalism... Recycling tired clichés about nationalism’s guilt for both World Wars, he called nationalism the “betrayal of patriotism” and warned about the “old demons coming back to wreak chaos and death.” Apart from the ideological prejudices and historical ignorance on display from a globalist watching the “rules-based international order” tottering even as he speaks, Macron was also aiming his barbs at President Trump, who identifies himself as a proud nationalist. Macron punctuated his point by later calling for the creation of an “EU army” because “We have to protect ourselves with respect to China, Russia and even the United States of America.” For NeverTrump globalists from both parties, a scolding from a European, even one accompanied by preposterous threats, is the QED of their indictment of Trump’s numerous offenses. But contrary to such naïve admiration, long before Donald Trump, the European ruling elite, especially the French, have looked on the U.S. with resentment, contempt, and envy. The history of just the last 27 years illustrates how little Trump has to do with European attitudes towards America. By the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Europe and its dreams of ever-closer integration into a larger transnational federation was a few years away. Suddenly there was geopolitical space for a new “superpower” freed from the old Cold War strictures. Though belonging to NATO and a committed ally of the U.S., increasingly by the early 90s the European elite often appeared to comprise a “non-aligned” movement committed to peace and global development. It also was open to transcending the old, Manichean communist-capitalist dichotomy that had long fretted European communists and socialists, not to mention more recent leftist parties like the Greens. Even before the collapse of the Soviets, “third way” alternatives were touted such as “Eurocommunism,” or frauds like “communism with a human face” were proposed and implemented. Of course, the Warsaw Pact peoples living under communism knew every human face had a boot eternally stamping it...
VA Undersecretary Fires Back 
At ‘Misleading’ NBC News Story  
by Peter Hasson
{} ~ A top official in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) on Thursday refuted a report claiming the VA won’t reimburse some veterans... who received less money than they were owed as part of their GI Bill benefits. NBC News on Wednesday reported the VA “told congressional staffers that it would not reimburse those veterans who were paid less than they were owed,” citing two anonymous congressional aides. VA Under Secretary for Benefits Paul Lawrence called the NBC story “misleading” and claimed it “gives the false impression that some Veterans on the GI Bill will not be made whole with respect to their housing payments based on an announcement VA made yesterday,” according to a prepared copy of his remarks obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Nothing could be further from the truth,” Lawrence said. “Each and every Veteran on the post-9/11 GI Bill will be made 100 percent whole — retroactively if need be — for their housing benefits for this academic year based on the current uncapped DoD rates, and, beginning in spring 2020, we be in a position to provide Veterans the new rates where applicable to meet the law known as the Forever GI Bill.”...
That Failure Known as the 'War on Poverty'
by Political Editors:  As that old adage states, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” That wisdom was sorely needed back in 1966 when Lyndon Baines Johnson declared his War on Poverty.      Unfortunately, a majority of lawmakers ignored it and as a result even more Americans are suffering in needless poverty today.      But LBJ and the Democrats got what they wanted — an ever-growing class of voters dependent upon the government to provide them with everything from food to housing to health care.

             The publicly stated goal of LBJ’s War on Poverty, making America’s poor more self-sufficient so as to bring them into the mainstream economy, has been an abject failure. More Americans than ever find themselves dependent on some form of government welfare. In fact, prior to the passage of War on Poverty, the percentage of Americans living in poverty had been steadily declining over a 20 year period, from 32.1% down to 14.7%.
               Meanwhile, government spending on welfare, a.k.a. wealth redistribution, has gone from an average of $3,070 per person in 1965 to $34,093 per person in 2016. As John Early and Phil Gramm note in The Wall Street Journal, “Transfers now constitute 84.2% of the disposable income of the poorest quintile of American households and 57.8% of the disposable income of lower-middle-income households. These payments also make up 27.5% of America’s total disposable income.” Thus more Americans than ever find themselves as de facto wards of the state.
               LBJ’s War on Poverty in reality was a war on America’s poor, robbing them of their most valuable commodity: a work ethic. As Early and Gramm further argue, “Government programs replaced deprivation with idleness, stifling human flourishing.” And the segment of American society that has been most directly impacted by the loss of a work ethic are men. Edward Glaeser  writes in the City Journal, “In 1967, 95 percent of ‘prime-age’ men between the ages of 25 and 54 worked. During the Great Recession, though, the share of jobless prime-age males rose above 20 percent. Even today, long after the recession officially ended, more than 15 percent of such men aren’t working. … The rise of joblessness — especially among men — is the great American domestic crisis of the twenty-first century. It is a crisis of spirit more than of resources.
               Now that the Democrat Party has been almost entirely taken over by hard-left socialists, their only answers to societal problems are to double down on even more of LBJ’s failed “Great Society.” Meanwhile, the souls of many Americans become increasingly bereft of that spirit of freedom and individual responsibility that makes our nation the envy of the world.  ~The Patriot Post  
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