Friday AM ~ thefrontpagecover

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90% of Asylum-Seekers Skip Case Hearings
Political Editors  
Big Abortion’s Biggest Lie
ne-NxuPNJzFxZhKjBVBnR5oGzJnT0uDkvCilyaZukx4RQFOC2_yuIBCxneGzOfLbP-Q0UonCoJXsC4fgD3IPz4Ws0icgrxnuQqmSRgaSBAPOrn6GuN3s_EN741Dji8bVEK27gknat_8FwLmPQ_WIJS9obmpcmZHtaj3BGmDdIYA_UgylbFdrIVkGE643T0pthPKsLfgfsXIMWaA=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?profile=RESIZE_710xby David Catron } ~ The abortion industry is nervous about the reduction in its profits that may result from state laws prohibiting the termination of a pregnancy after a fetal heartbeat can be detected... This anxiety is exacerbated by the possibility that the Supreme Court may revisit Roe v. Wade. Big Abortion has responded to these threats by filing lawsuits, pressuring politicians in Democrat-controlled states to pass preemptive statutes permitting the “abortion” of babies born alive, forcing poltroons like loose lips liar-Joe Biden to recant heretical positions, and launching a propaganda campaign to the effect that unlimited abortion liberated women from the depredations of “the patriarchy.” Of all the lies promulgated by the abortion industry, the claim that abortion on demand has improved the lives of women in general is the most pernicious. It encourages women to make uninformed choices which can and do damage their physical and psychological health. Yet, despite the absence of evidence supporting the liberation myth, it has been inculcated in young women for nearly half a century by the education system, the media, and professional feminists. A typical example of the latter, Katha Pollitt, recently repeated the lie in a New Yorker essay  titled, “How the Right to Legal Abortion Changed the Arc of All Women’s Lives”: I wonder if women who have never needed to undergo the procedure, and perhaps believe that they never will, realize the many ways that the legal right to abortion has undergirded their lives.… Legal abortion means that the law recognizes a woman as a person. It says that she belongs to herself.… A woman could plan her life without having to consider that it could be derailed by a single sperm.  Predictably, Pollitt neglects to mention the easiest way to avoid being thus derailed. Pollitt knows perfectly well that the very real progress that women have made during the last 100 years has virtually nothing to do with abortion. The foundation of that progress — the right to vote — was secured by genuine feminists who vehemently opposed   abortion. Yet she suggests that the gains women have achieved in legal, social, and employment rights is due to their ability to murder their own children in the womb: “Without more women obtaining law degrees, would men still be shaping all our legislation?” The obvious answer is, “Of course not.” The progress that Pollitt attributes to abortion on demand was primarily the result of cultural changes that preceded Roe v. Wade by decades, and those changes were accelerated by the advent of “the Pill” in 1960. This cultural evolution manifested itself in federal and state legislation. Laws like the Equal Pay Act of 1963, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 all preceded the Supreme Court’s 1974 discovery of “penumbral rights” lurking in the Constitution. In other words, the claim that the progress women have made is due to abortion just doesn’t conform with the facts...
Beating China: The New Cold War
ParGVsmtf8Omv6i5g1eC6Ug9QLNaNgpSFSyHXv_BY-nijpX8anzgzKoAjvDcucjILlKrcnNmHxLN5N6Ievm_A-g8FB8amD4pN26Z2DbFPS3Vxt_JqxI=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?profile=RESIZE_710xby Elijah G. Pardo } ~ Far too often, pundits and politicians alike make the case that America should avoid another cold war, this time with China. There is a problem with this argument... America doesn’t get to choose whether or not to start another cold war. Just as it was not America that initiated a coup in Czechoslovakia in 1948 and it was not America that brutally put down a rebellion in Hungary in 1956, it is not America that is stealing intellectual property and obstructing international waters in 2019. China chose to start this cold war; we are already in the middle of it. America doesn’t get a say unless it wants to lie down and lose. It isn’t the same type of cold war, and each side has different objectives, but it is contentious no less. If America wants to win the Second Cold War, it has to do several broad things, but for one it has first to acknowledge that it is already ongoing. The Trump administration took an excellent first step. The administration’s national security strategy admits that we are moving back into a period of great power competition and seeks to develop a plan to succeed in that environment. China is run by an expansionist totalitarian regime that aims, for the first time, to extend its influence to shift the global balance of power and international order into its favor and away from the West’s. America has to again come to the understanding that the world is competitive and to remain the global superpower; it will have to face challengers. There are many countries that would love to challenge America; China happens to be the one that has the best chance. The western structure of the international order which America has led has created an incredible global economy that has pulled endless numbers of people and even entire nations out of poverty. For instance, Poland in 1990 had a GDP per capita of $5,509 World Bank, constant 2010 US$, in 2017 it had a GDP per capita of $15,822. That's an increase of nearly 300%. A similar pattern repeats within other former communist or authoritarian states. According to the World Bank, in 1990 36% of the world’s population lived in extreme poverty, 25 years later less than 10% do. The West’s emphasis on economic liberalization is working. Amongst all this, the United States has prospered too, as the international order since WWII has been structured to its benefit. U.S. GDP per capita has increased by over 300% from $17,550 World Bank, constant 2010 US$ in 1960 to $53,128 in 2017. For this progress to happen, a massive security umbrella was needed. Following WWII, the United States created that structure and has kept international markets open and shipping lanes protected. In recent years, however, amongst political strain in the United States, that umbrella has begun to show cracks... 
In Democratic Socialism Speech, commie-Bernie Sanders Predictably Lies About The Economy
pCeKONgQhlCPpyp63UcZNl6WYAHe8nGBVWD4K4nhrbSPtbM2QdPErWeeKWa_L5O6PJdxwAREo5W_LHoW_U8Z150BZumaTqF9xsuMrXP3INDlsw=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?profile=RESIZE_710xby Chrissy Clark
{} ~ Sen. commie-Bernie Sanders delivered a speech at George Washington University today that insisted “democratic socialism” is the only way to defeat oligarchy... commie-Sanders spouted his usual go-to lines about how everyone should have a $15 per hour minimum wage and fight the rich. With a speech writer like David Sirota, who penned an article about how Venezuelan socialist dictator Hugo Chavez helped create an economic miracle, it should come as no surprise that commie-Bernie offered some pretty whack facts. During his speech, commie-Bernie said three things that weren’t just misleading, but complete lies. Not to bore you with charts and facts, but U.S. gross domestic product growth for the last quarter was an estimated 3.1 percent  and recovery from the slow economic growth in 2016 remains steady. The unemployment rate as of May 2019 is at 3.6 percent. The United States hasn’t seen low unemployment rates like this since 1953. commie-Sanders says GDP rates and unemployment rates have nothing to do with understanding how good the economy is. According to commie-Sanders, the data and statistics used to gauge the well-being of world-wide economics is not an adequate reflection of the American economy. I must ask then, what data and statistics should we use to understand the economy? We can’t use a make believe feelings-meter to decide how the American economy is doing. The facts are in, and the economy has been wildly, record-breakingly successful under President Trump. This statement was a flat out lie. I’m not sure if commie-Sanders gets his data from the same place he gets his ideas, but they’re both crazy. The national average wage index, which measures changes in U.S. wages over time, was $50,321.89 in 2017, while the national index 48 years ago in 1969 was $5,893.76. This does not account for inflation, so I did the math for you...  
The DOJ Intentionally Brought Foreign
Nationals Into The US As Snitches —
Then It Lost Some: IG  
by Luke Rosiak } ~ The Department of Justice “sponsored” about 5,500 foreign nationals to come to or stay in the country between 2015 and 2017 in order to provide assistance to the DOJ in criminal cases... according to a June audit from the DOJ inspector general. Sixty-two absconded, escaping the DOJ’s monitoring, and in 18 cases, DOJ components “did not request sponsorship renewal or termination in a timely manner and therefore let the foreign nationals fall into an illegal status,” according to the report.“Failing to report instances of absconsion inhibits DHS’s ability to execute its responsibilities to locate and handle absconders. This is especially problematic for law enforcement-sponsored foreign nationals because these individuals often have criminal histories or are involved with criminal organizations,” the report said. The DOJ and its law enforcement agencies “can sponsor legal U.S. residency for foreign nationals for various law enforcement purposes such as when those individuals are confidential informants or cooperating witnesses” in cases involving major criminal activity or terrorism, the report said. Law enforcement “can benefit from the assistance of foreign nationals because of their access to criminal enterprises and ability to provide testimony in support of prosecution.” But for the same reasons, “significant risks accompany the sponsoring of foreign nationals to support law enforcement investigations because these individuals may be associated with criminal activity and motivated only by the ability to reside in the United States.” If the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), or Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) want to bring such a person in the country, it “certifies that it assumes responsibility for the control and legal status of the foreign national, including monitoring the location and activities of the individual and ensuring notification to the Department of Homeland Security upon sponsorship termination,” the report said...
Lingering scumbag/liar-nObama-Era Move 
at CFPB Now Threatens Credit Markets
by Ken Blackwell

{} ~ As college graduates have their commencement celebrations, they certainly hope their hard work will pay off. After all, in the booming Trump economy and with record low unemployment...
 there are countless opportunities for entrepreneurship and success. Sadly, there is one reason why those dreams may never get off the ground: crushing school debt. As too many students and parents are painfully aware, there are more than 44 million borrowers in America who collectively owe $1.5 trillion. Because of these obligations, young adults are putting off essential milestones in life — such as buying a home and getting married — while not accumulating savings. They have been saddled with debt by a higher education industrial complex thanks to the assistance of the federal government. Now, thanks to some scumbag/liar-nObama administration decisions, the problem might become even worse! Before his disastrous campaign for governor of Ohio, Richard Cordray was an scumbag/liar-nObama administration holdover running the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). What we are now learning is Cordray likely exceeded the scope of his authority with a proposed "consent judgment" against the National Collegiate Master Student Loan Trusts (NCMSLT) in September 2017. This decision deserves more attention, as it threatens the Trump economic boom by potentially hurting America's financial marketplace and freezing the credit industry. The NCMSLT are passive investors who own $12 billion of student loan assets, which originated in multiple banks — such as Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase — more than a decade ago.  Pension plans in insurance companies subsequently financed them through securitization capital markets transactions. In laymen's terms, securitization helps the economy because it enables investors to fund consumer and student loans, which also lowers interest rates for borrowers...
90% of Asylum-Seekers Skip Case Hearings
Political Editors:  President Donald Trump’s tariff threat against Mexico has at least initially been much more successful than many mainstream media naysayers would care to admit. As we earlier noted, Trump got the Mexican government to finally act on previously agreed to terms. Even Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell praised Trump’s action, stating, “I think the cold, hard reality is, even though almost none of my members were enthusiastic about the prospect of tariffs, you have to give the president credit — it worked. The president deserves applause — not condemnation — for the outcome, which has a good chance of solving this crisis at the border.”

Speaking of that crisis, on Tuesday, acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan in testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee laid out just how problematic the current asylum situation is. McAleenan noted that 90% of asylum-seekers have been no-shows for their scheduled case hearings. Upon hearing this, Sen. Lindsey Graham questioned, “90% did not show up?” McAleenan responded, “Correct. That is a recent sample from families crossing the border.”

McAleenan placed blame for this growing problem on the Flores consent decree that prevents the government from holding a minor longer than 21 days. “Currently, due to a single district-court order, we cannot obtain effective immigration-enforcement results for the families arriving at our border,” McAleenan said. “They cannot be held for longer than 21 days and do not receive rulings from immigration courts for years,” he stated, adding that “unless you’re a single adult, it is very unlikely you’ll be repatriated.” This is chain migration on steroids. ~The Patriot Post

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