Friday AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
~ Featuring ~
by Burt Prelutsky

Opinion in Brief

Jonah Goldberg: “With 52 GOP senators, Graham-Cassidy can only pass if at least 50 of them vote for it, and they must do so before Sept. 30, when the arcane budget window known as ‘reconciliation’ closes. … Heritage Action for America has grumbled, rightly, that Graham-Cassidy doesn’t repeal all of the liar-nObamacare taxes. But the choice for Republicans isn’t between this and a better reform. It’s between this or letting liar-nObamacare continue intact, violating all of those repeal-and-replace promises entirely. That’s what’s so silly about the claim that Graham-Cassidy is as ‘extreme’ as Sanders’ radical and shoddily written proposal (the bill is totally silent on how to pay for any of it). Graham-Cassidy is very close to the kind of legislation we would have ended up with if Republicans had an idea of what they wanted from the get-go and the Democrats were interested in compromise. But we live in a time when extremism is defined as not getting everything you want.”  ~The Patriot Post

Susan Rice Critical Of President
 Trump Because He’s NOT IRAN’S FOOL
{} ~ The woman who played a key role in saddling America with a nuclear armed Iran in the future chose to ignore the constant barrage from the regime of calls for “death to America” even while engaged in negotiations... She, liar-nObama and hanoi-Kerry also loaded them up with cash, a gesture of submissive capitulation that was surely pleasing to Iranian Valerie Jarrett, an influential voice in what took place that Rice and the others responsible like to pretend doesn’t and didn’t exist. Rice says in an interview with globalist Mrs. Andrea Greenspan, that the US needs to be negotiating now on what comes after the current deal expires, presumably when they enter their next phase of nuclear arms development and are able to target Israel for near instantaneous destruction...
'Black Lives Matter' Leader Wins Over Trump
Supporters: "If We Really Want America 
Great, We Do It Together"
by Tim Hains
{} ~ After initially showing up to protest against Trump, the BLM leader was invited on stage to speak by Tommy Gunn, the organizer of the rally... "So you guys know that the ‘Mother of All Rallies’ was to end the political violence," he said. "It’s about freedom of speech. It’s about celebration. So what we’re going to do is something you’re not used to, and we’re going to give you two minutes of our platform to put your message out. Whether they disagree or agree with your message is irrelevant. It’s the fact that you have the right to have the message." He added: "It’s your right to say what you believe. And it's their right to let you know what they think about what you're saying." Hank Newsome, the president of BLM New York, then addressed the crowd...
Trump signs executive order 
targeting trade with North Korea
by Gabby Morrongiello
{} ~ President Trump took executive action on Thursday to crack down on individuals, banks, and businesses that are involved in trade with North Korea... as his administration seeks to further pressure Pyongyang into abandoning its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. "Foreign banks will face a clear choice: do business with the United States or facilitate trade with the lawless regime in North Korea," Trump said during a summit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and South Korean President Moon Jae-in. "It is unacceptable that others financially support this criminal, rogue regime."...
liar-nObama’s Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha
Power Tried to Unmask Americans on a Daily Basis
by Rusty
{} ~ Once upon a time, senior liar-nObama Administration officials insisted that “nothing of the sort occurred” when asked about the inappropriate ‘unmasking’ of Trump Administration officials... Seems like a bygone era. We know that unmasking did indeed occur. And a new report indicates that it took place at an alarming rate. Multiple sources have confirmed with Fox News that Samantha Power, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, was making ‘unmasking’ requests in the final months of liar-nObama’s presidency at a clip of more than one per day. The former ambassador is also alleged to have made requests in the days leading up to President Trump’s inauguration...
Iran Threatens to Drop ‘Father of All Bombs’
by Adam Kredo
{} ~ A senior Iranian military leader claims the Islamic Republic has developed the "father of all bombs," a 10-ton bomb that is said to rival the United States' ‘mother of all bombs," or MOAB, according to regional reports... Iranian General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp's airspace division, claimed in an interview over the weekend with the country's state-controlled media that Iran has developed the 10-ton bomb and has the capability to drop them from aircraft. The announcement coincides with other saber-rattling comments by senior Iranian military officials claiming that they have infiltrated the American military...
by Burt Prelutsky

When we think about the nation’s domestic enemies, we shouldn’t limit ourselves to the likes of George Soros, Chuck clown-Schumer, Nancy Pulosi, Al Franken, Maxine Waters and liar-Hillary Clinton. We should never overlook Barack liar-nObama, who went from being the worst president in U.S. history, to being the worst ex-president, wresting both titles away from Jimmy Carter.  Talk about records you never dream will ever be broken.

In case it escaped your attention, as it apparently has the attention of the mass media, liar-nObama has created a gang of 30,000 traitors under the banner of Organizing for Action, and staffed it with many of the deplorables who did so much to make the eight years of his administration such an unmitigated disaster, including his very own Rasputin, Valerie Jarrett.

The mission statement of the group is the usual litany of left-wing lunacy, including gun control confiscation, socialized medicine, federally funded abortions on demand, climate change legislation and immigration reform open borders.

The way it works, as Thomas Sowell has spelled out, is that Trump issues a temporary ban on visitors from certain rogue states. liar-nObama immediately signals his 30,000 goons to start protesting and calling for pro-immigrant groups to stage demonstrations. The ACLU lawyers file lawsuits in jurisdictions where activist judges continue to do liar-nObama’s bidding. The volunteers are ordered to stage protests at airports and at Republican town hall meetings, and the leftist media springs to action in support of these nefarious activities. Next, the twitter sphere lights up; and, as the night follows the day, violence ensues, all for the benefit of the TV cameras. Then, squaring the circle, liar-nObama signals that he is heartened by the protests, because they prove to his demented satisfaction that America remains the land of the free and the home of the brave, when all they really prove is that the Republic has never been in greater jeopardy.

As Mr. Sowell writes: “If Barack liar-nObama did not do enough to destroy this country in the eight years he was in office, it appears his future plans are to destroy the very foundation on which this country has operated for the past 241 years.”

● It goes without saying that every American feels a deep sympathy for what the Texans, Floridians and those residing in a few neighboring states, have had to deal with lately, thanks to the likes of Harvey, Irma, Jose and now, Maria. And as we are constantly reminded, their agony is not ended simply because the waters have receded and the winds have abated.

But, as usual, I find myself wondering how it is that, when retirees from the Northeast and the upper Middle West talk about settling in Florida because of the weather, they typically ignore the fact that hurricanes are every bit as much a part of the weather as sunshine. 

Some wisenheimers might point out that I continue to live in a state where earthquakes have been known to occur. But here in California, we barely have the four normal seasons, and we certainly don’t have a special one set aside for earthquakes. But in Florida, they have five seasons -- summer, winter, spring, fall and hurricane. And frankly, when you realize how regularly the disastrous storms occur, they often run through most of the alphabet naming the darn things. We’re already up to the letter M as in Maria and it’s only the middle of September!

● I’m beginning to wonder what to make of President Trump. The Democrats come away from a dinner at the White House and Chuck clown-Schumer tells friends “He likes me,” sounding almost like a very giddy Sally Field when she won her Oscar, except that clown-Schumer refrained from adding “He really likes me!”

In the meantime, Trump raises the debt ceiling without getting anything in return from the Democrats and then appears to sign off on DACA without ever mentioning the Wall that he keeps promising to get built. At least the President has voiced objection to chain immigration, whereby the extended families of the 800,000 "Dreamers" are also granted admission to the country and a pathway to citizenship, which would serve to expand the 800,000 to several million.

Something that the Democrats never bother explaining is why, if they are so infatuated with the idea of diversity, they appear so anxious to change the United States into Los Estados Unidos. Of course, the reason they don't care to discuss it is because their motivation comes down to the fact that 70-80% of the Hispanics will automatically vote for anyone who has a (D) after his name. If those were Poles, Czechs and Latvians, at our southern border -- people who have had prior experience living under the boot of socialism -- the Democrats would have erected a hundred-foot wall years ago. 

For someone who boasts of his ability to negotiate and refers to “The Art of the Deal” more often than Franklin Graham refers to the New Testament, Trump seems to be working off the same playbook that liar-nObama used when he dealt with Iran and Cuba.

If Trump were playing strip poker with the Democrats, by now he’d be down to his skivvies and his socks.

Trump's recent capitulation to clown-Schumer and Pulosi has been disheartening, but it's not totally irrational when you reauize that his reliance on a Republican Congress has been an exercise in futility. But, what is one to make of his Department of Justice? If there's an iota of difference between what it was under Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch and what it is under Attorney General Jeff Sessions, I'm not sure I could spot it using the Hubble Telescope.

The Department has made no move, so far as I'm aware to investigate and indict liar-Hillary Clinton, Lois Lerner, Susan Rice, James Comey, Samantha Power, George Soros or Antifa. Couple that with Sessions recusing himself from the trumped-up Russian collusion nonsense, and it's looking more and more as if in Trump, we may have elected ourselves a pig in a poke.

It recently occurred to me that Trump was already one-sixth of the way through his term. That thought made me a lot sadder a few weeks ago than it does today.

Although I’m not opposed to Trump’s dealing with the Democrats -- clearly an act of desperate necessity when the Republicans in Congress can’t even agree on the time of the day -- but he’s starting to resemble a lamb among wolves; less like a tough New York real estate czar and more like a rube searching for the guy holding the deed to the Brooklyn Bridge so he can write him a check.

● In the wake of the Pentagon suggesting sending an additional 4,000 troops to Afghanistan, as if that could possibly bring us any closer to victory than not sending them, I found myself trying to picture what victory would look like over there.

The last time we won a war, we knew it was over when Adolf Hitler blew his brains out in a Berlin bunker and when the Japanese foreign minister, Shigemitsu, wearing his top hat, came aboard the USS Missouri and signed a paper acknowledging the Emperor’s unconditional surrender.

But when you’re fighting a cancer like Islam, whether a group calls itself Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah or Boca Haram, who’s in a position to surrender?  And why on earth would we take sides in purely jurisdictional disputes between swamp creatures? If an entity poses an existential threat to us or one of our few allies in the world, my instinct would be to nuke them and allow Allah to sort out the remains.

Speaking of nukes, if our using them is out of the question unless someone not only uses them first, but uses a lot of them, knowing the risk of retaliation, I’m not sure it makes sense for us to even maintain a nuclear arsenal. I doubt if the thought that we might be able to take North Korea, Iran or China, with us would be as consoling as some people seem to believe if Boston, Atlanta, Miami, L.A., Denver, Tel Aviv, London, Paris and Rome, had just been vaporized.

I’m all for diplomacy and sanctions, but only if they work within a reasonable time frame. Allowing your existential enemies additional time rarely means they will come to their senses; more often, as we saw with Germany and Japan 80 years ago, it merely means they gain additional time in which to train their troops and perfect their weaponry.

● Speaking of those who could stand a little nuking, I give you the congressional Republicans who, even after seven years of grousing about the Affordable Care Act, couldn’t bring themselves to do away with it. I keep waiting for Mitch McConnell or Paul Ryan to explain their failure by insisting: “We never said we’d repeal liar-nObamaCare. You misunderstood us. We said we would repeat it.”

● There are two things I like about a government shutdown. The first is that Congress is prevented, at least temporarily, from causing any mischief. The other thing is that they send home the bureaucrats they have the rare honesty to designate “non-essential.” It always seems like the perfect opportunity to prune the dead weight from the over-bloated federal government. But, alas, they not only welcome these cheeseheads back to their unessential jobs, they pay them the money they would have received if they hadn’t been on vacation. 

● Even after eight months in office, Trump, who made a lot of sense about our so-called allies becoming more responsible for their own defense, still has roughly 40,000 American troops in Japan, 35,000 in Germany; 24,000 in South Korea; 11,000 in Italy; 10,000 in Afghanistan; 8,000 in the UK; 3,000 in Spain; and 2,000 in Dibouti, and I dare you to find that one on the map.

While I’m sure having those Americans stationed in those foreign lands helps the local economies, I fail to see what it does for us.

When I consider the state of relations between us and North Korea, the presence of those 24,000 Americans seems less like a military deterrent and more like a hostage situation.

Perhaps I’m being overly cynical, but so far as I can see, the troops appear to have been cast in the same thankless roles as canaries in coal mines.

If you want to Comment directly to Burt Prelutsky, please mention my name Rudy.
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