Friday AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
 2016              The truth will set you free 
When Facts, Logic And History Don’t Matter
by Charles Krauthammer
 The New York Times Knows a Thing or Two 
 About Not Paying Taxes 
It was revealed by The New York Times on Saturday that Donald Trump may have avoided paying taxes for years. According to its report, "Mr. Trump's 1995 records said that tax rules ... would have allowed Mr. Trump to use his $916 million loss to cancel out an equivalent amount of taxable income over an 18-year period." The headline blared, "Donald Trump Tax Records Show He Could Have Avoided Taxes for Nearly Two Decades, The Times Found." But the headline is deceptive in that it doesn't factor in Trump's payments of property taxes, sales taxes, real-estate taxes, state taxes and other federal taxes. And it also builds a story not around what did happen, but what could have.
          The irony of the Times making hay over Trump having (legally) not paid income taxes is that the paper itself did not pay taxes in 2014. As Forbes reported, "For tax year 2014, The New York Times paid no taxes and got an income tax refund of $3.5 million even though they had a pre-tax profit of $29.9 million in 2014." Kettle, meet pot.
            Reports like this reveal far more about the Times' own leftist ideology and liar-Clinton super PAC behavior than anything else. Nearly half of Americans do not pay federal income taxes. Remember Mitt Romney's infamous 47% comment, which was accurate in its assessment although it proved to be toxic for his campaign. It was toxic because of the Democrat playbook of class envy politics. Harry dinky-Reid exploited this by falsely accusing Romney of not having paid taxes. The Times got his memo.
          liar-Hillary Clinton, herself a very wealthy woman, hypocritically pushes class envy, while championing herself as somehow an exception to the Left's class warfare rule. She is the one who cares about the poor and middle class, blaming the wealthy for not "pay their fair share," all while she shelters income in the liar-Clinton Foundation. For the amount of time the Democrats have been banging this drum, you'd have thought by now they would have fixed the "problem" with all the tax increases they have implemented over the years, but cities like Detroit highlight the flaw in their logic. Their message assumes that those who have become wealthy have done so only by taking advantage of others. But what is even more sinister is that the Left is primarily committed to providing for the government. Where the wealthy provide the monetary fuel for growing the economy — creating jobs, which in turn spreads wealth and raises the standard of living — government tends toward over-regulation and over-taxation, often creating greater inefficiency and economic stagnation. Anyone remember the last eight years under nObama?  ~The Patriot Post
 Judicial Watch Targeted for Exposing 
Just how effective is Judicial Watch in extracting information buried by the nObama administration? We need only look at how the White House has tried to quash its efforts for a clue. On Thursday the General Services Administration's Office of Inspector General published a November 2015 audit on its website, "Letter to Senator Johnson About GSA's FOIA Process," that criticizes the agency for, among other things, violating Freedom of Information Act protocols regarding a GSA video enquiry in June 2012.
          The report says "GSA had granted Judicial Watch press status in the past," which should have made it exempt from fees. In this case, however, JW was "denied the fee waiver request." Moreover, the clearly orchestrated obfuscation is linked directly to the White House. The report says the Office of General Counsel "received an email containing guidance for determining Judicial Watch was not a media requestor. In the email, captioned 'Judicial Watch Found Not A Media Requester,' the sender, Elliot Mincberg, advised he had gathered this information at the request of GSA's White House Liaison, Gregory Mercher."
          Judicial Watch eventually prevailed, though it took nearly a year for the videos to be released and the parties were forced into a settlement. JW president Tom Fitton says, "It's outrageous but not surprising. Welcome to our world. This is what we put up with all the time from the agencies."
          The Washington Times importantly notes: "President nObama promised an era of transparency when it came to open records requests under the Freedom of Information Act, which is the chief way for Americans to pry loose data from the federal government. Despite the president's exhortations, the government is increasingly fighting requests, forcing the public to file lawsuits to look at information." Just image how much worse this administration's cover-ups would be without JW's unparalleled work in exposing them. It's not just the IRS targeting conservative groups.  ~The Patriot Post
Dr. Noel – Debate Evidence Of liar-Clinton
Hiding Spasms, Tricks Almost Worked
by Rick Wells
{} ~ Dr. Ted Noel has reviewed the videos from the presidential debate and has discovered more indications that liar-Clinton is seriously ill, sharing with us both what he has been able to discover and what he has determined were efforts to minimize their appearance to the casual observer... He starts by noting that twice in the days prior to the debate liar-Clinton unexpectedly canceled events as well as the three day period just before when she was unseen. He theorizes that this could have been done to allow liar-Clinton to take a break from her medication, a “drug holiday.” It’s a tactic that would result in her medication regaining some lost effectiveness and being able to hide her symptoms for the required ninety minutes afterwards. He also notes her gait on entry to the debates seems unnatural, that the steps are elongated and there is a significant shoulder roll and exaggerated arm swing associated with them. He likens it to walking to a metronome, a learned method of disguising the onset of a shuffling type of walk for Parkinson’s patients...
nObama, Pulosi Sack Of nObamacare
Crap Hitting The liar-Clinton Fans
by Rick Wells
{} ~ One way Tomi Lahren describes fun is watching “old Billy liar-Clinton” go off script and trash nObama’s biggest “accomplishment” in eight years, nObamacare... liar-Clinton described the increased premiums and reduced coverages as “the craziest thing in the world,” to which Lahren replied, “ya think?” She asks, “So are the Democrats finally admitting that their brainchild, a brainchild they ramrodded through Congress without the support of a single Republican may actually be the steaming sack of hot mess we knew it was back on March 23rd, 2010 when this sorry excuse for a ‘president,’ Barack Hussein nObama signed it into law? Well, it’s about damn time.” Lahren points out that the nObama regime may soon begin bailing out insurers and that premiums are expected to rise by about 20 percent this year as even more Americans lose coverage. She points out some of the other attributes of the law, saying, “It’s a job killer, it incentivizes unemployment, it turns doctors into accountants and young people don’t want anything to do with it despite how hard nObama tries to pimp it out.”...
liar-Clinton Arms Smuggler To Libyan
Terrorists Case Dropped To Cover Her
by Rick Wells
{} ~ liar-Hillary Clinton hasn’t taken responsibility for the debacle in Libya since she infamously patted herself on the back and uttered that “cute” little rhyme about the killing of Muammar Gaddafi, “We came, we saw, he died, cackle, cackle.”... Once it moved beyond taking credit for overthrowing and killing the leader of a sovereign nation and to accepting blame for the chaotic anarchy she installed as a replacement, it became an action by “the people of Libya.” Those people, as we now know, were terrorists she and nObama provided with weapons. They’re the same terrorists, our enemies, that the nObama regime won’t identify as Islamic. One of those who supplied the terrorist “rebels” with arms on behalf of Mrs. liar-Clinton and her policies was an American arms dealer named Marc Turi. Until Monday he was facing charges for his part in the government scheme. nObama is protecting liar-Hillary Clinton so a motion was filed to have the case dismissed. For his part Turi admitted no guilt but did agree to not conduct any US-regulated arms deals for four years in exchange for the waiver of a $200,000 fine...
What Follows the Defeat of ISIS in Mosul?
by Jonathan Spyer
Refugees from IS-controlled Jahala village
{} ~ Black smoke was rising from the Qayara oilfields as the refugees huddled in the shade. They had arrived that morning from ISIS controlled territory a little further west... These refugees had come from Jahala village. They were Sunni Arabs. They had elected earlier that day to risk an escape from Islamic State (IS, ISIS) territory across the desert – a route ending in certain death if caught by the jihadis. "ISIS have set fire to the oil fields," one of them told us. "The smoke makes it impossible to breathe. 12 or so people every day need the hospital. It's impossible to stay." So they had set out in the early dawn, just after first light. A convoy of men, women and children. "The best time is before the sun rises, when ISIS are sleeping. We used that time to come over."...
Majority of Americans Do Not Believe in Scientific 'Consensus' on Climate Change
by Tiffany Gabbay
{} ~ The Left has unilaterally declared that essentially every climate scientist on the planet -- with the exception of a few "hacks" and "nut-jobs" -- has reached a "consensus" that man-made climate change is real... and, when a person tries to correct this lie, he or she is immediately branded a "science denier." Well, according to a new Pew survey, it seems the majority of the country are "science deniers" then, because nearly three-quarters of the American population does not trust the so-called "scientific consensus" on climate change. Pew's survey on "the politics of climate" was published Tuesday and summarized by CNSNews. We're sure the Left will find some way to either dismiss the findings altogether or disparage nearly 75 percent of Americans:...
Watch Female Reporter Hit liar-Hillary
With Both Barrels on LIVE TV
{} ~ In a clip from early April that just recently went viral... female reporter Kristin Tate ripped into Democrat presidential front-runner liar-Hillary Clinton for the way the former secretary of state flipped out and even pointed her finger at a young, female Bernie Sanders supporter. “This is a scorned, vile old woman!” Tate exclaimed during an interview with Newsmax. “Nobody likes her, she never smiles, and when she does smile, it’s terrifying!” She continued her rant by comparing liar-Clinton to her husband, former President Bill liar-Clinton...
Bill Whittle's Firewall: Debating liar-Hillary,
Part 1: The Economy
by Bill Whittle
{} ~ Today TruthRevolt unleashes Part 1 of a six part -- that's right, six-part -- series from Firewall host Bill Whittle in response to the issues left untouched in the first presidential debate. Part 1 focuses on countering liar-Hillary Clinton's ECONOMIC proposals...
Bill Whittle's Firewall: Debating liar-Hillary,
Part 2: The Financial Crisis
by Bill Whittle
{} ~ In Part 2 of this 6 part series, Bill Whittle flips liar-Hillary's claim that the 2008 financial crisis was caused by tax cuts for the wealthy, and explains who the REAL villains are...
Bill Whittle's Firewall: Debating liar-Hillary,
Part 3: Energy and Climate Change
by Bill Whittle
{} ~ During the recent presidential debate, liar-Hillary Clinton returned to the same line we've been fed for eight years: there's an economic boom waiting in the Green Economy. No, there isn't. In Part 3 of this 6 part series, Bill takes apart liar-Hillary's energy plans and examines the consequences to the planet...
Bill Whittle's Firewall: Debating liar-Hillary,
Part 4: Cyber Security
by Bill Whittle
{} ~ liar-CLINTON: Well, I think cyber security, cyber warfare will be one of the biggest challenges facing the next president, because clearly we're facing at this point two different kinds of adversaries. There's no doubt now that Russia has used cyber attacks against all kinds of organizations in our country, and I am deeply concerned about this...
When Facts, Logic And History Don’t Matter
by Charles Krauthammer
{} ~ And now, less than six weeks from the election, what is the main event of the day? A fight between the GOP presidential nominee and a former Miss Universe, whom he had 20 years ago called Miss Piggy and other choice pejoratives. Just a few weeks earlier, we were seized by a transient hysteria over a minor liar-Hillary Clinton lung infection hyped to near-mortal status. The latest curiosity is Donald Trump’s 37 sniffles during the first presidential debate. People count this sort of thing.)Dr. Howard Dean has suggested a possible cocaine addiction.

In a man who doesn’t even drink coffee? This campaign is sinking to somewhere between zany and totally insane. Is there a bottom?

Take the most striking — and overlooked — moment of Trump’s GOP convention speech. He actually promised that under him, “the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon — and I mean very soon — come to an end.”

Not “be reduced.” End.

Humanity has been at this since, oh, Hammurabi. But the audience didn’t laugh. It applauded.

Nor was this mere spur of the moment hyperbole. Trump was reading from a teleprompter. As he was a few weeks earlier when he told a conference in North Dakota, “Politicians have used you and stolen your votes. They have given you nothing. I will give you everything.”

Everything, mind you. “I will give you what you’ve been looking for for 50 years.” No laughter recorded.

In launching his African-American outreach at a speech in Charlotte, Trump catalogued the horrors that he believes define black life in America today. Then promised: “I will fix it.”

How primitive have our politics become? Fix what? Family structure? Social inheritance? Self-destructive habits? How? He doesn’t say. He’ll will it. Trust him, as he likes to say.

After 15 months, the suspension of disbelief has become so ubiquitous that we hardly notice anymore. We are operating in an alternate universe where the geometry is non-Euclidean, facts don’t matter, history and logic have disappeared.

Going into the first debate, Trump was in a virtual tie for the lead. The bar for him was set almost comically low. He had merely to (1) suffer no major meltdown and (2) produce just a few moments of coherence.

He cleared the bar. In the first half-hour, he established the entire premise of his campaign. Things are bad and she’s been around for 30 years. You like bad? Stick with her. You want change? I’m your man.

It can’t get more elemental than that. At one point, liar-Clinton laughed and ridiculed Trump for trying to blame her for everything that’s ever happened. In fact, that’s exactly what he did. With some success.

By conventional measures — poise, logic, command of the facts — she won the debate handily. But when it comes to moving the needle, conventional measures don’t apply this year. What might, however, move the needle is not the debate itself but the time bomb Trump left behind.

His great weakness is his vanity. He is temperamentally incapable of allowing any attack on his person to go unavenged. He is particularly sensitive on the subject of his wealth. So central to his self-image is his business acumen that in the debate he couldn’t resist the temptation to tout his cleverness on taxes. To an audience of 86 million, he appeared to concede that he didn’t pay any. “That makes me smart,” he smugly interjected.

Big mistake. The next day, liar-Clinton offered the obvious retort: “If not paying taxes makes him smart, what does that make all the rest of us?” Meanwhile, Trump has been going around telling Rust Belt workers, on whom his Electoral College strategy hinges and who might still believe that billionaires do have some obligation to pay taxes, that “I am your voice.”

When gaffes like this are committed, the candidate either doubles down (you might say that if you can legally pay nothing, why not, given how corrupt the tax code is) or simply denies he ever said anything of the sort. Indeed, one of the more remarkable features of this campaign is how brazenly candidates deny having said things that have been captured on tape, such as liar-Clinton denying she ever said the Trans-Pacific Partnership was the gold standard of trade deals.

The only thing more amazing is how easily they get away with it.

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