Democrats Hate Blacks and Hispanics

Democrats Hate Blacks and Hispanics

Not all, not all, not all, but most Democrats today do not respect black people, or anyone else. Rather, they use blacks to push their own agenda.

We all know that black “leaders” exploit the people – I’ve talked about Maxine Waters (“Auntie Maxine“), John Lewis, Barack Obama, the Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP (no different from the KKK), Black Lives Matter (worse than the KKK), Louis Farrakhan (modern-day Hitler) and false preachers, including T.D. Jakes and Michael Eric Dyson (not called by God but by their mama).

But let’s not forget about “white” politicians and others who also take advantage of foolish black and “minority” people who don’t know better.

Because blacks are brainwashed to believe in “racism” (which doesn’t even exist, and never has), they support phony “anti-racist” efforts. They blindly support Democrats who never had their best interests at heart. Around 95 percent of blacks supported Barack Obama, the worst president in American history; the same supported the second-most corrupt president, Bill Clinton, impeached for lies and obstruction of justice.

Democrats hurt blacks more today than during slavery – supporting abortion, destruction of the family, LGBT madness, removing God from public life, creating ghettos and favoring criminals over the innocent. (Read more from “Democrats Hate Blacks and Hispanics” HERE)

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