Black Folks Love Talking About Bad Cops


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Complaining about bad cops allows bad parents and bad decision makers in the Black community to get the heat off their short comings.
Bad cops exist and innocent people of all colors have paid the price for their misdeeds, but it's not bad cops killing Black people daily!
Bad cops haven't made the inner city a war zone where seniors hide behind burglar bars and anyone with more than two nickels to rub together leave at warp speed.
Here's a text book case of what I mean:
There is a single mother of four I knew who always has a police complaint filed; is a huge Trayvon Martin supporter, including attending hoodie marches but doesn't march within herself to discover why her two oldest kids are always in juvenile custody.
She also hasn't examined why her boy friend is in jail nor the reason the father of three of her children is a felon. 96% of us are killed by thugs in blue jeans, not blue uniforms! Our single parent; illiteracy; domestic violence and other dismal stats aren't the result of bad cops but that's who gets the focus!
It's easier to blame cops or George Zimmerman than it is to combat the crime and crime enabling in our community.
A group which excuses drug dealers and repeat violent felons is a group which excuses itself out of society.
A day is coming when all the excuses in the world, slavery, Stop & Frisk complaints, you name it, will fall on deaf ears as martial law or its equivalent trample the discussion under the boots of National Guard or even federal troops.
We have a golden window with a bi-racial president who identifies as Black to attack inner city crime head on and not be stopped by cries of racism!
When this golden window closes, a White or even Black president who's a Republican may have to lead this long overdue charge and our majority Democrat community will probably riot in misguided defense of thugs killing us daily!
I type this in New Orleans, home of the NOPD, a chronically challenged agency in a chronically challenged city. 
Black spokes persons , with a smattering of White socialists and anarchists, are essentially pro crime activists here who ignore daily Black On Black ( & other ) crime only to hold press conferences and marches when a cop or even more rare White citizen shoots a Black suspect.
Please note I typed " suspect, " because, civil rights crimes like the Danziger Bridge & Henry Glover cases aside, most Black people shot in these matters are engaged in a criminal act.
This is what our advocacy has sunk to, complaining about how criminals were mistreated in the commission of a crime??? This is how low the bar has sunk after the assassinations of Dr King and Malcolm X.
While police brutality is a real problem it isn't solved by Black folks who love talking about bad cops to avoid talking about their bad parenting and bad choices regarding violating the law.
Cap Black
Anti Crime Activist
504 214 3082
Home Defense Foundation
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