Fellow Patriots:


The mathematical liklihood that our troops captured/killed Bin Laden and , in so doing,  elevated  Obama's image the day after Obama's release of a  fraudulent "Certificate of Live Birth" is less than 1 in a million, in my opinion.


Obama is a proven liar, and appears dedicated to saying anything to advance his socialist "Community Organizer",  agenda in order to stay in office to destroy this country.


No Bin Laden body?  Body thrown into the ocean?   Shot in the head in a house while living in town next to the capitol? 


The liklihood of ANY of this being true is beyond belief, in my opinion.  In my opinion this was a sophomoric, cornball stunt to rescue his  dead public image via his lock-step media.  And did everybody watch his public performance publically ridiculing -- from the stage -- Donald Trump, the man who turned up the heat for him to release his long form birth certificate?  Never has  a real President acted this way before towards a citizen of this country.


Scream for an investigation into Bin Laden, people, scream for an investigation.


Kind Regards,





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  • i think this is a attempt to turn the people of pakistan against its goverment just like obama has done through out the middle east and give the muslim brotherhood a atomic weapon. our help in libya is just a round about way of giving weapons and money to the muslim brotherhood
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