America's Lord and Master

I had a dream last night that I was talking with this guy about the way the American people are taking life. All they want is to be happy. He agreed and asked me what was wrong with that. It’s Loony Tunes time. It made me angry. I was at a dinner party. After we set down at the table, I started talking about the current American attitude. It was not well received, which made me all the angrier. On the way home with my wife, I was in a very bad mood, which didn’t help. I got no sympathy. People just didn’t understand what was happening to America.

United we stand, divided we fall. We were meant to be the lords of our own thoughts and actions, but thanks to our American obedience training—the carrot and stick approach—billionaire George Soros cracks the whip. George is a master money manipulator. He has built a Marxist organization in the United States with which he is promoting class warfare, and with the money he has manipulated away from other people. John Podesta is the general of George’s army. Tony Podesta, John’s brother, happens to be a con artist employed by BP. You didn’t know that? Marxist President Obama takes his marching orders from George Soros and John Podesta. There is a lot you don’t know.

Sinister George, a native Hungarian Marxist, out to make the world a better place for all, his calling, making money to further his cause, is currently in the oil business. He recently invested $900 million in a Brazilian oil company whose current plan is to drill an off-shore well 17,000 feet deep. Obama, inexplicably, is giving this highly profitable company a loan of $2 billion. Also, Obama, conveniently, has declared a moratorium on all American off-shore drilling for 6 months. It is too dangerous to drill offshore until it is known how to fix the problem, a problem Obama clearly doesn’t want to fix. He’s putting roadblocks in the way of the cleanup.Why would he loan an oil company $2 billion to drill a well 17,000 feet deep off of Brazil’s coast? Does he like seeing beaches ruined? For political reasons, he wants our Gulf shores ruined by the oil spill. For the same reason, he is suing the State of Arizona for trying to protect her borders. Following Roosevelt’s legacy, the end justifies the means, Obama is a tried and true New Dealer.

A federal judge turned Obama’s moratorium down, but Obama is appealing. He is rewording his reason for shutting down oil drilling. But the plan, Sinister George’s, is to allow the Brazilian oil company to contract with the owners of the oil drilling rigs idled by the moratorium, now off of America’s shores, to drill off of the Brazilian coast. How nice! Once they are gone, the drilling rigs will not return. George, with Barrack’s help, will have successfully shut down America’s off-shore drilling and put it in the hands of the Brazilian oil company in whom he has invested $900 million. America’s environmentalists will be overjoyed.

China has been buying up Brazil’s oil. While we Americans pay $7 a gallon for gas, and Obama continues, with Cap and Trade, to try to shut down coal production, with the specter of millions of jobs at stake, George, the money manipulator, in the meanwhile builds a Marxist empire. The end result: George’s subterfuge, George profits by many billions and spends billions promoting Marxism.

It depends on the motive of the subterfuge. Where have I heard of this before? Oh yes! Now I recall. Years ago, the IRS accused me of operating a subterfuge. I was accused of operating a for-hire trucking enterprise and claiming to be in the lumber business. The IRS gave me a list of companies the Interstate Commerce Commission had caught doing the same thing I was accused of doing. If I was ruled to be a trucking company, then I would have owed the IRS thousands of dollars in the transportation tax, a tax that was imposed during World War II and never rescinded.

I checked out the listed companies. These companies were hauling their product one way and back hauling for hire. I was not. I told the IRS I’d see them in court. I never heard from the IRS again on that matter. But I did hear from the IRS every year after that. The Marxist IRS does not like to be proven wrong.

The IRS makes endless mistakes against taxpayers, I can tell you. Congress takes my sweat and hands it out to others for their vote—Roosevelt’s idea, a subterfuge: the end result justifies the means. Franklin D. Roosevelt, after putting a majority of activist judges on the Supreme Court, got New Deal Law, or the end justifies the means law in place. It turns out to be the biggest subterfuge of all times: the replacement of free enterprise with Marxism, with billionaire George Soros the big winner. What a travesty! George beats us at our own game, free enterprise.

However, in my case the IRS ended hanging itself with its own rope. The IRS was forced to eat crow on the front page of the Palm Beach Post. I remain the lord of my own thoughts and actions.

The point: Freedom is not automatic. It is a never-ending fight. A Christian didn’t like my “treatise.” He made it a point to let me know he disagreed with me, and why. He didn’t like my speaking down to him. I admit that I was not saved the Christian way. Maybe that’s America’s problem. People don’t like facing this truth: God helps those who help themselves. Now you’ve got this choice: either help yourself or let George help you to become communism’s slave.

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  • I can tell you what worked for me. I studied my constitutional rights. I sublimated my anger by taking positive action, in my case by taking the IRS to court. I had a personal stake in the outcome. That's all it takes.

    So, taking positive action is first studying the situation, weighing it carefully, and making your views known where it counts.

    We are seeing the results. Tea Party candidates are winning elections, and a good thing. We've a long way to go and a short time to get there.
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