Plagiarizing this quote from Margaret Thatcher – who challenged the legislation of the British Parliament – concerning this condition, is not this same question needing answer in this nation? Today the separation of wealth is exponentially increasing daily. While our administration, and the congress, in some lack of comprehension, accepts it as fait accompli. Is not the question: why is it occurring, and knowing that, determining how to correct it?

Understanding economics, or enterprise which is more appropriate for understanding, often lacks explanation of why something occurs. Even without or lacking the why, the identification, some men – great men – comprehend the fact the arena of enterprise, even in a nation with this foundation of all men are equal, has pitfalls to be concerned. Thomas Jefferson visualized the greatest danger to this nation as – preventing an economic monarchy.

Others identified this danger in different ways. Benjamin Franklin warned this nation’s citizens, never let the government become involved in business. Think of that today. Today this nation’s government, not only is into every aspect of our nation’s enterprise, our businesses, but the major driver, the truly totalitarian sovereign dictating the very activity of those businesses – resulting in the dictatorship of our society by government fiat.

The question that we, the citizens of this nation, should wonder; why is there not anyone, in the press, the government, running for political office, or even in the hallowed halls of academia addressing this reality, and explaining it to us, those same citizens?

For far too long this nation has been accelerating on a projected path lacking any knowledge of what they are doing, or even considering the consequences if these paths are taken. Our leadership is worse than a stoner, worse than a drunk, worse than one mentally retarded, for they have refuted reason, rejected history, dismissed what we know from past attempts, and in this lack of mental evaluation, are accelerating this nation toward its destruction.  

To look at this reality, this fact the ‘Poor are getting Poorer, and the Rich are getting Richer,’ where is the observation, where is the explanation of what is the reason this is happening, and why it is occurring? If we asked all Americans, why is this occurring, we’d have all the answers – it is happening – and our enlightened one, oBOMBa, is redistributing the wealth of those Rich to those Poor, without the slightest understand of the why!

Economics is, and has been a topic requiring understanding, evaluation, and then conclusion, why is it we have none of that occurring in the government, the press, or even academia, or the financial institutes of this nation? There is two possible conclusions we, the citizens of this nation, can make. First, is they are clueless of the why, resulting in the reality as in so many actions of the government, they are clueless. The other, is they completely understand the why, and understanding the why, advocate it for their benefit the hell with this nation.

Sounds pretty cruel, accusing those with the power to correct, identify the problem, and correct the problem are either malicious in their actions, or completely stupid of the reason, the cause. Reality is reality, there is no other evaluation any rational person, with just the slightest of comprehension of this danger, this debauchery of our currency, and our nation’s economic vitality would not reject and refute. The proof of this fact is obvious. Today this nation, this economic wonder, by the intrusion of government spending and borrowing is in debt, estimated between $215 and $250 TRILLION dollars. Those numbers are so beyond comprehension the average, or even the most fictioneer of those with the ability to create and accept such fiction, can even make a comparative, some reference. To put it into perspective here is the thing to remember. On this planet today, if we were able to gather every dollar, every currency of every nation, it would not equal the size of the debt this nation now has – not on the books, for it is unrecognized – is greater than this combined total of all wealth. Simply, this nation is in debt, by the actions of the government, in debt greater than all of the wealth, which is in existence in all nations on this planet’s surface. We owe more than what actually exists. If this isn’t the epitome, the confirmation our government is absolutely incompetent, there is no way to make the reality of reality comprehendible.

To acerbate this incomprehensible conclusion is the minutia this nation’s citizens – those who at least take the time attempting to understand this insanity in action – are exposed by the casuistry, not clever but unsound reasoning, of journalist and author’s fictions lacking reality.

Such literate insanity of this nation – comparing enterprise, and what we identify as economic activity – can be identified in the current minutia of economic presentation. One such absolute fiction that is a complete incommensurable nostrum of inimical egregious nefarious je ne sais quoi is the Picketty fiction of ‘Capital in the twenty-First Century.’

The last sentence was deliberately written with wording we don’t use in normal conversation. The point it is emphasizing is the journalistic effort of the presentation ‘Capital in the twenty-First Century’ for it is the same as the sentence. If one has no understanding of economics, or understanding enterprise the commercialism of this nation – as the words we don’t use often, thus not knowing their meaning – are initiated, while having no comparative, no background, no understanding of what the presentation is. The expropriated minutia of communist ideology from Marx, who in his presentation ‘Das Capital’ is, and always will be the absolute epitome of distortion of economic reality ever written by mankind. Picketty’s effort contained nothing of originality. The distortions of Marx are not only repeated, they are presented as if something new, not recognizing the plagiarism or acknowledging the theft – which by the way is the foundation, the baseline of communism – from the dystopia, the illusion, the fallacy of an utopia ever known, of Marx’s ‘Das Capital.’

To redo, as in Hollywood they take an old script and sell it with new presentation, new actors, as if it is something new, is accepted. To take an ideology of insanity, communism, and sell it as something identifying what is wrong with our society of enterprise is absurdity.

Sadly, we don’t live in this society where free choice is not allowed. Not the fault of the communist Democratic Party, or the Socialist Republican Party, as in every piece of legislation they are ‘compromising’ to pass is aimed at their objective, which is, no American has free choice of anything. If they succeed, one of the rules they could make is, you could not buy Picketty’s illusion, unless you’d read Marx’s fallacy. Then at least there, if in one’s literacy comprehension occurs, some idea of what a bunch of minutia both of these presentations are.

Here is even a greater fallacy, the distortion, the permeation of rearranging reality to comply with some false fiction that does not, will not, and can never exist. Why, why is there no one, even approaching in any way the greatest problem this nation is facing? Reality cannot be changed, today, no one, no individual in any segment of society cannot refute the reality; today in this nation the acceleration of the ‘Rich getting Richer’ and the ‘Poor getting Poorer’ is occurring at an ever exponential rate.

What do we hear about this? The only time it is referenced, is when the absolute insanity of using the government as the agent of theft, to steal from some, and redistribute it to the others – absolute insanity – is advanced. 

Why, why is there not one iota, some singular reference, some example, some identifiable reason of this phenomena and the why it is occurring?

Yet the reason is as obvious as the reality of – certainly not global warming, as it has not justification – the fact we live on planet earth, in our solar system, in the Milky Way, racing through the universe.

In the history of this nation, one group of idealism made measurement of addressing the exact problem this nation is being inundated by today. Thomas Jefferson advocated a concept that is mislabeled even to this day as Jeffersonian democracy. It is mislabeled for the simple reality that the democracy of Jefferson’s vision, was not, is not, and never was conceived to be what we – in this nation – have as what we call, democracy, in this nation today. In the reality of reality, much of what Jefferson advocated, once being applied, have led to the genesis, the petri dish of creating so many of the problems of this nation today. Yet there are a few concepts that hold true today as when they were first identified. One of his observation , common as the economic vitality of this nation was based on agrarian activity, was simply the farmer best exemplifies civic virtue and independence from corrupting city influences; government policy should be for his benefit (the theme of the Declaration of Independence, all are created equal by their creator). Financiers, bankers, and industrialists make cities the 'cesspools of corruption', and should be avoided. Many of Jefferson’s observations, and advancements history has confirmed were in error, creating many of the problems we have today. Some were applied exactly opposite of the actual intent, resulting in what should be expected, the exact opposite result. Yet the fact that must be remembered is, these were observations of the nation at that time. That time was not today, the conditions were different, the economy was different, the population was different; yet the reality of facts identified ‘government policy should be for all citizens’ benefit. Financiers, bankers, and industrialists make cities the 'cesspools of corruption', and should be avoided. Is as valid today in our society as it was when advocated by those who called themselves then the Republican Party – advancing Republicanism – which meant opposition to aristocracy of any form, opposition to corruption, insistence on virtue, and equal rights for all citizens, with a priority for the ‘yeoman farmer’, ‘planters’ and the ‘plain folk’. Or to say it in simpler terms, their priority was for those who did, who did the work, made the products, and produced all of the needs of society. They were antagonistic to the aristocratic elitism of merchants, (corporations were not ever considered as they had been rebuked by the constitution congress). Bankers, (there was no Fed … Federal Reserve Bank … making money out of thin air for the benefit of government spending). Manufacturers, (using government for crony capitalism, not the invisible hand of economic decisions). Distrusted factory workers, (unions were not, and unions for economic advancement unknown. While they then remained on alert identifying those who supported the dreaded British – central planning – design subservient to government dictating all activity. 

So who is responsible for the ‘Rich getting Richer’, and the ‘Poor getting Poorer’?

There is no economic publication that I’ve known that addresses this – not phenomena – but reality that currently exists. The aleatory concept, that the insanity of what our government is doing, just isn’t working because of some random event, such as something by chance that has occurred; is a boldfaced lie and distortion of fact.

One of the major factors is simply, the reality that the Keynesian policy of demand side economic equation is as false today as when first proposed. History is our witness. During the introduction of this insanity – which incidentally is preached as doctrine in every economic institute of academics – is as ludicrous today, as when attempted under the Franklin Roosevelt administration. In congressional hearing to explain why this insanity did not work, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., then the Secretary of the Treasury who was a major player in America’s first attempt of communism, the ‘New Deal’ made this testimony ‘We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong … somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. … I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boots!’

Is this not déjà vu to the current debacle this nation is experiencing today? What does it take – getting kicked in the head by a mule – to have this nation wake up and realize that the national … recognized debt … has more than doubled in this current administration, with the same results Henry Morgenthau, Jr identified then? Over $10 trillion dollars, borrowed, without no more illusion it can ever be repaid has been spent by this insane administration, with identical results. The unemployment is as bad as it was when begun. The poverty, the destruction of employment is accelerating, the jobs – because of cost of government dictated expenses, oBOMBa care, EPA requirement, energy costs, employment cost, increased taxation – are disappearing as fast as deck space on the Titanic as it was sinking below the waves. To apply application with a proven track record of failure, is the definition of insanity. This is the perfect icon of this present administration.

That’s one reason the ‘Poor are getting Poorer!’

Here is the other death knell, the other harbinger of this nation’s citizen’s destruction. It is the debaucher of the currency, the devaluation of the dollar that working citizens – those who make the things society needs, those same folks that Jefferson was so concerned about – in the lack of understanding are having their wages destroyed by the actions of government, while toiling in complete ignorance. The simple analogy, that every time a dollar is spent by government, two and a half dollars are unavailable – removed from the enterprise of the nation – to be spent to improve and advance our economic condition. As such, each man paid in the artificial measurement of dollars, are in reality experiencing the fact that every second of every day, the dollars used in this society are diminishing in value on a continuum, every second, of every hour, of every day, for far too many years.

The other side of the equation, that the ‘Rich are getting Richer’ is caused how? Here is the dichotomy of the harsh reality of facts. The same power making the ‘Poor, Poorer’ is the same entity making the ‘Rich, Richer’.

The debauchery of the currency, which destroys the wages of the working man, are the antithesis for the man with assets to sell. When the value, the wealth of the dollar is depreciated, the number, the amount of dollar the worker must earn are less, as more and more dollars are required to buy that which he could today. Each and every day the dollar is debauched, reduced in value, the man with wealth in real assets, not dollars, has his wealth increased. This reality is ignored, and not identified, or even considered by the minutia of our press, our government, the banks, Wall Street, or any of those who benefit from this theft from all of society. Is it criminal, once upon a time in this nation it was. The directive of the government was to insure that the value of the dollar maintained that value – in not only purchasing power – but in the value of purchasing power, what was then a sound dollar. No more, since the fiat dollar of current – monetary and fiscal policy – value of the dollar is by design depreciated; stealing from all who have dollars.

As criminal as that is, it is not the way to make all men slaves. For to make men slaves, there is another tool that has been identified by all who would destroy this nation. If one finds the ten planks of Marx’s plan to destroy civilized society, making all men slaves; what is the first plank, the way to do it? The obvious is abolition of private property. What is the most personal private property anyone has? Is it not to have, and preserve the value of the wealth of your lifetime of work, the dollars you earn? If government can, by their actions, debauch the value of that effort, are they not stealing your property, your life from you?

To make it more draconian than that possibility, think of the concept of a heavy progressive or graduated income tax. Is not this the greatest advancement of totalitarian control over the citizens than the most malignant ideology every conceived by mankind?

It is this means – even worse than the debaucher of the currency – that all men in this nation are slaves. Some men, use this government incompetency to their advantage, stockbrokers, bankers, and others who have never created wealth, but manipulate, using the actions of the debauching of the currency to their advantage. The why the stock market is rising, while the real value of the dollar is falling. The taxation, recognized as the collar and chain that insures all men, using the power of the state, are kept as, and preserved as nothing but slaves.

As in all things, every problem this nation faces is today, as it was on the cusp of our genesis, is, and always has been, government.

Until this nation’s citizens wake up, and realize those words of our Declaration of Independence, told us: ‘That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.’ That security is to preserve the property, the wealth, and the lives of our citizens. How something is being destroyed not by the choice of our citizens, but by the incompetence of the very government to protect those rights is incomprehensible.

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