21 Days: The Most Dangerous, Perhaps?

Twenty One Days: The Most Dangerous, Perhaps?

The lame-quack, Barack "in vain" Obama, is demanding the commie-fascist Russian leader/dictator, Vladimir Putin, to get his diplomats out of the USA. ???!!!

This from a CICy (sissy) that had CAUSED the spread of Islamic terrorist networks in the MidEast; and enabled ISIS...Obama's favored "jv" team, to gain economic strongholds by TAKING the Iraqi oilfields. This from a CICy that BENT OVER for the very same Russian leader, and former old-school KGB officer, by dismantling our nissile defenses in Poland; and gave the ruthless and radical Iranian clerics his blessings to expedite the Iranian cleric's nuclear weapons program, along w/ well over $150B - including approx $2B in untraceable CASH.

This from an UNDENIABLE anti-American and anti-semitic CICy that has continued to ALLOW the slaughter of THOUSANDS of christians by Islamic groups like Al Qaeda / ISIS, Nigeria's Boko Haran, Egypt's Muslim 'hoods, the Taliban, and every other Islamic terrorist group on Earth - w/ no consequence. On the contrary. The Obama admn...which includes Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and the entire liberal media, do is DENY the attacks as well as the motivation - blaming America and / or Israel, and LYING about christian and jewish "history" as a justification for the carnage.

Barack Insane Obama "demands" (what a joke) the removal of 35 Russian diplomats from the USA - yet he has released HUNDREDS of the most dangerous terrorists from Gitmo - and 1000s of hardened prison inmates across the country.

The CICy, BHObama, is flexing his TONGUE against the commie-fascist leader - whom Obama once asked to let him get his second term - so that he could be "MORE FLEXIBLE" to give Putin what he wants.

The United States still has twenty one days left w/ this ultra-leftist CICy. And it is very clear that he intends to continue to try to CHOKE our economy by trying to stop America's ABILITY to continue w/ our goal for energy independennce and prosperity; and to continue impeding on our National Security - by continuing to side w/ Iran, doing NOTHING to stop ISIS's money flow; continue to release hard criminals, and to encourage even MORE carnage against the Israeli people by STANDING OUTRIGHT against the sovereign nation of Israel.

Barack Hussein Obama is rabidly foaming at the mouth at the country's REJECTION of his policies and the preservation of his PROVEN destructive legacy. These last 21 days may be our nation's most dangerous yet.

God Bless America Luis

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